lundi 25 février 2013

Easy Steps To A Successful Abstract Watercolor Painting Project

By Janette Barnes

With everything happening in an instant these days, people always forget to let off some steam from time to time. However, some have figured out a lot of ways to unwind. Most of the time, they rely on different art forms to keep themselves entertained. While some do it by listening to music, others watch their favorite movies. For others, they just stick with the basics of painting in expressing themselves. An interesting form of art that anyone can enjoy doing is abstract watercolor painting.

For those who are not familiar with the term abstract art, it is defined as an art form wherein objects painted are not depicted as to what people see them in reality. This was popularized in the twentieth century where it focused on different colors and styles used by artists. Throughout the years, artists were able to experiment on unique techniques from the splatter style done by Jackson Pollock to the geometric shapes promoted by Piet Mondrian.

With a variety of techniques applied by abstract painters, one is quite popular and it is watercolor painting. The use of watercolors is deemed to be one of the effective ways in successfully portraying emotions of an artist. Moreover, it is still popular until now because it is manageable to use and it is a good medium in displaying the creativity of an artist.

A person does not have to exhibit exceptional skills in making an abstract painting using watercolors. Although there are other materials one can use, the usage of watercolors is easier in expressing thoughts. Follow the steps given and you will have your own masterpiece in no time.

Start by acquiring watercolors, a brush, watercolor paper, a masking tape, rubber cement, a pen and a hair dryer. Find a flat surface and tape the paper onto it. You need to do a trick before doing this because you might destroy the paper by abruptly taking off the tape after you paint.

Stick the tape on a piece of cloth and take if off right away. If you do this, detaching the tape will be easier because it will not stick that much anymore. When you are done, it is time to choose the colors that you will use. For best results, you need to pick three colors from the palette.

Get the rubber cement and splat globs of it on the paper. Then, let it dry it off with the use of the blow dryer. Now, it is time to paint using the watercolors without focusing on the placement of colors. You can go over the globs of rubber cement and paint as freely as you can.

After following those steps, you can go over the same process depending on your liking. Add more globs of rubber cement and start painting again to create different layers for as many as you want. Once you are done doing the layers, it is time to take off the rubber cement by gently rubbing it with the use of your fingers. Beautiful patterns will be revealed after you do this step and you can use the pen in outlining those patterns.

When talking about masterpieces, it does not really have to be difficult and costly. Just make sure to be positive and prepare in advance. If you have the right attitude to do it, then you are ready to make your very own abstract watercolor painting.

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