lundi 3 septembre 2012

Guidelines To Choosing The Best Trumpet Mouthpiece

By Casandra Cotton

Every brass player needs the proper mouthpiece to produce a quality sound. The one that comes with the instrument may not suit your individual needs. Selecting the best trumpet mouthpiece corrects breath control and helps you produce the sound you are looking for. You will also have more comfort and be able to play longer without aches and pains.

If you want a good tone quality take note of your lip shape. Your jaw and teeth placement should be considered when fitting a piece to your mouth. It generates ease of play and improved intonation when your piece fits you perfectly. Throughout this time you will be going through a bunch of pieces until you find the one that suits you.

For the novice player or someone just starting out the medium sized cup will fit you. The depth of the rim and its control is usually in the correct form for this player. The cups deepness and wideness are the proper size for a beginner including the backbore. You can move to a larger piece once you learn the equipment more and begin to play better.

If you want a more vivid sound a small cup can help with that. In the beginning it may be hard to hit the higher notes but a shadowed cup is easier to use. Deep tones are made by a larger cup. When you are looking for dark sounds, a larger cup is helpful. If the shape is more pointed the better quality you will have.

When the instrument is played by another person it will sound very different if they used the same mouthpiece. This is mainly because of the variances in a person's jaw and lips. The sound quality will be lost because in the event that a person uses the wrong piece. Always keep in mind of your physical and musical abilities, it should not be substituted.

Another aspect of that is very important is the backbore. Usually a player overlooks this part of the piece because it's barely visible to the naked eye. You have to know what you are looking for. The more the backbore is tight the better the sound will be. If your backbore is too large your sound will come out mellow.

Your lips need room to move and the rim is what provides that flexibility. For beginners a circular, thin rim is best for proper movement. Endurance is also reduced due to the rim. The shape plays a major part on the lips which can cause pressure, aches and pains. A smooth, opened rim piece provides the greatest comfort. Although it provides the finest comfort it makes your lips unmovable.

As always clean your piece at least once a week. Dirt comes from everywhere and can affect your sound quality. You should use a mouthpiece brush when cleaning your instrument to avoid any damage to your instrument.

In the end selecting the best trumpet mouthpiece will help you producing the quality sound that you want. Remember each mouthpiece is different and you would need to find the one the best fits you. Consider the amount of time you play compared with the physical aspects of your face for the finest fit.

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