mardi 11 septembre 2012

Bruce Lee's Fighting Method: Why Should Martial Artists Own This DVD?

By Sam Peter

In 1974, four short books were published covering the basic principles of Bruce Lee's martial art form, Jeet Kune Do. The books could well be considered somewhat basic by today's standards, but they were rather innovative during their time. The DVD Bruce Lee's Fighting Method: The Complete Edition is a video edition of the first couple of books in the series, Self-Defense and Basic Training. The DVD has two of his original students Richard Bustillo and the late Ted Wong and it does an excellent job of conveying the main material of the two books in a visual manner.

While reading the print books is strongly recommended because of the value they provide, the pictures in the books don't really do justice in terms of effectively detailing the techniques which are being taught. Fixed pictures only reveal so much and moving images are a lot more effective. That is why the DVD adaptation is very effective. With the DVD, it is possible to know more about the techniques taught in the book as you can watch Bruce Lee's original students demonstrate the different techniques. It isn't really practical to expect that you'll master Jeet Kune Do by simply watching the DVD. However, it does give you a great resource you can access anytime it's convenient for you. The DVD serves as a supplement as you learn the martial art style.

The Basic Training part covers warm-ups and simple exercises to help you get the most from your session. This section of the DVD also addresses the basic principles of Jeet Kune Do. Among the things you are going to learn are the fighting stance position, footwork, and basic defensive and offensive moves. Consider it as a primer on Jeet Kune Do basic principles. On the flip side, the Self Defense section of the DVD focuses on commonplace Jeet Kune Do defensive and offensive techniques that are especially useful when you face a hostile attacker or you find yourself attacked on the streets. In case you have always wanted to implement Bruce Lee's martial art style in a self-defense scenario, you are going to appreciate the basic moves taught in this section.

This DVD has got wonderful narration. The narration is in sync with what's taking place on the DVD so you will never feel that you're missing out on the important stuff. As for its production values, they are top-notch for this DVD. There are way too many martial arts educational videos that're terribly produced. The Bruce Lee's Fighting Method DVD is of high quality, however. Its producer, Black Belt Magazine, really spent big money on making certain this educational video didn't turn out looking substandard like all the others. There are people who think production values are not really that crucial. Nevertheless, a terribly produced educational video will not really be able to meet its primary goal, which is to effectively instruct its students. With this DVD, though, the quality of both video and sound is outstanding so there's no need to worry about the presentation of the material being weakened.

If you happen to be a serious martial artist, make certain you've got Bruce Lee's Fighting Method: The Complete Edition DVD on your shelf. It's a must-have classic instructional video. It will offer you insights into Bruce Lee's Jeet Kune Do, and also learn basic self-defense.

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