mardi 15 août 2017

The Best Option For Bathtub Refinishing

By Gregory Baker

When you think your bath tub is no longer something you want to see in your bathroom, you have several options. You can have it replaced, do some relining or choose bathtub refinishing instead. The first option is the most expensive one, considering all hidden costs of plumbers, contractors and so on. Relining can be more affordable, if you don't choose acrylic tub, but the last solution is still the best one.

If you choose a good service specialized for this job, you won't have to move your tub and all works will be done on-site. Surrounded areas would not be affected in any way, and there will be no hidden costs included. The final price will depend on the state of your tub. Some smaller repairs may be included in price, but larger ones will affect the total price.

The whole process is quite simple. First, the tub has to be cleaned to remove all caulking. All surrounded area, including tiles, cabinets and mirrors, should be protected to minimize the mess, especially over spraying. All fixtures are removed before starting the job. Ventilation is set on. Your bath tub is then sanded, or sometimes etched with acid, to allow better adherence of the coating.

After this initial sanding, the technician will inspect your tub for minor imperfections and damages, and remove or repair all of them. After that, another sanding is needed. The first few layers of spray-paint will serve as a primer. Everything should be dry before spraying on additional maybe four thin layers of paint. Sometimes, another layer is applied after a day or two, but most contractors don't do it.

Re-glazing costs are much lower than complete costs of replacing your bath tub. If you would like to find even more affordable solution, you could try to do it yourself. It could cut-out your costs in half, but you need to be aware of the fact you won't get the same quality. And for that, there are several very good reasons.

Without professional equipment, some things will be difficult to do, for example sanding. Applying paint with rollers or brushes would be much easier on smooth, flat surfaces, but when it comes to tub, things get much more complicated. You simply cannot apply it equally on all parts, and your results won't be so good without a good spray-painting machine.

All these works should probably be let to professional technicians. Even if you are skillful enough, remember how many different things you actually have to buy first. Paint, rollers, brushes, sealants, protective foils, solvents and other stuff aren't really cheap. You won't need to use the entire quantity, but you have to buy it anyway. Total costs might be higher than expected.

At last, if you do it yourself, the paint will probably peel off much sooner. And there will be no guarantees for the job well done. Give it some thinking before making your final decision. This is your bathroom and you certainly want it to look as good as it is possible.

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