vendredi 29 janvier 2016

The Impacts Of Personalized Ornaments

By Raymond Ellis

Decorations play a great deal on people's day to day activities. For instance, East African women from Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania, like wearing lesos (kanga) and in most cases they buy the leso that are encircled with writings that seem personal to the people. Thus important to know the details of personalized ornaments.

If we take for example, when an East African woman feels sad or bad about her neighbours success, the successful neighbour might buy a leso that is enscription with some writing such as "mwenye wivu ajinyonge, " meaning "If you feel jealous, commit suicide". This type of enscription tends to teach people the good morals of the society and especially enabled people to mind their own businesses.

In this modern world, it is hard to get people living in houses with no decorations; most houses have been decorated by ornaments such as photos, watch, dolls and flowers. This thing makes the house to be full and lively, people will admire living in such house since it s much prettier than the one with no decorations at all. Portrait artists tend to get much attention when it comes to home portraits since they are the ones who paints decorates the home portraits.

In most business enterprises or institutions there are official decorations that have been specifically made to decorate the offices either internally or externally. Taking, for instance, Safaricom, it has put in place decorations for its electronic gadgets leading to attraction of many users or clients in the company. Thus, this will enhance the promotion of the country due to the meaning they lay over the decorations.

The identities of people also act as a major determinant of what people are made of or rather are. Most people identify themselves with the ornaments they posses, for example, one can be identified by a ring or cloth or watch he or she wears and rather never misses to be seen with. Therefore, some decorations are used to identifiers to either people or objects or even institutions and companies.

The living standards of people can also be seen to be improved by the fact that people also acquire ornaments such as medals gold, bronze or silver. This is acquired through participation in both funding and non-funding activities such as athletics, the best performance in schools or even achievements in work place. Thus, the decorations tend to promote the living standard of people in the world that is those interested parties.

They greatly believe in the power of beauty, and this is why they decorate their gods with expensive and beautiful ornaments. People tend to measure the wealth of others through the value of decorations they posses. This is done by assumptions of the value of the adornments they wear. During weddings, it is of such owner for one to wear such kind of decorations in order to attract their guests, friends and all the interested parties.

In most communities ornaments serves the best role of raising capital. For instance, in the Kalenjin community, most Kalenjins know how to run that is they are athlete's thus after winning a race they are paid for their participation and most importantly given medals that act as a future reference to them. This decorations in a way or sometimes act as motivators for the young children interested in the success of their parents and in a way also they tend to outline the success level or achievement level of the involved people.Conclusively then the importance of personal adornments in ones life.

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