samedi 16 janvier 2016

Elvis Presley Books Fascinating Reading

By Marie Jackson

Probably the biggest music icon of the 20th century, many Elvis Presley books have been written. Thousands of words have been put to paper documenting the life of the most famous singer in the world. Many of these have been written by people close to him, including family members and business associates.

Many of the publications are not authorized biographies and certain ones have been questioned as to whether they are fact or fiction. Since Presley's death in the mid seventies a number of his associates and friends have published works. Many that have been produced have been brought into question and cited as merely the opinion of the writer and untrue.

A number of books have also been published that have been fully authorized by Elvis himself or his family. Some of his closest and most loyal employees that were with him from the outset have put their memories and recollections onto print. Presley's ex wife, daughter and other relatives have also in the subsequent years since his passing, made public private documents and pictures from the family archives.

Another very popular subject for authors are his live shows, concerts and performances spanning a career of over twenty years. These frequently go into exceptional detail regarding the session musicians, dates, studios used and other minutiae about the recordings. Interviews, quotes and photos provided by those working with him go to add interest to the facts and figures.

As well as being a recording artist and live performer, Presley was a prolific actor during the sixties. Although many of these movies were not well received by the public there is some interesting reading to be found featuring behind the scenes anecdotes from cast and crew and also photos shot during the filming. It is well known that Elvis did not relish the thought of acting and some of his own stories regarding this can also be found.

After being drafted into the army and stationed in Europe, his music career was put on hold and it is well documented in many books that he was unhappy with this. A turbulent time in his life, the recollections from people closest to him during this time makes for compulsive reading for fans. Whilst completing his service to his country, Presley's mother passed away and he met a girl that would later become his wife.

Perhaps the books written during the latter part of his life are the most interesting read for fans. During this period of his life he was constantly recording or performing, mostly in Las Vegas and mixing with some of the stars also working there. Also this was the time when his health was in decline and he was becoming more and more interested in spirituality and there are some interesting books featuring copies of hand written notes from Presley recording his thoughts.

Devoted fans and music lovers alike are spoiled for choice with books about the king. The number of words written about the man run into millions if not more and plenty of them make for very interesting reading. Found in Book shops and on internet sites worldwide there is a vast amount of material to be discovered.

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