samedi 9 mai 2015

The Proper Casual Tops To Wear With Leggings

By Toni Vang

Leggings are very comfortable to wear. These have become really trendy these days because they can be worn in all occasions and casually. These look tight and the contours of the legs can be formed with the leggings. There are no standard guidelines on which type of tops must be paired with them but fashion gurus can just give you tips so you will have a lot of varieties to choose from.

Some say that these must be worn with long tops like short dresses or oversized shirts. But casual tops to wear with leggings will really depend on your preferences. You can choose from among an array of items online. There are even tips with images in blogs of fashion experts that can help you think or conceptualize your new look.

These can be worn with short tops as well, that is, if you have a great figure and body contours. Those with long, slender legs are perfect for wearing these. But these are really revealing, so women who are slightly older like to pair these with shirt dresses because it is less revealing that way. If you have a dress that is too short to wear, you can actually partner it with leggings.

This particular outfit can be worn at the mall, in family outings, and basically in any normal day at work. Oversized tees are also perfect for these. This a a chic idea and can give you a simple but elegant look. As for the footwear, you can wear boots, sneakers, flat sandals, or heels with it. The choices are endless and you just need to be creative in matching your attire for that day.

Tunics are also perfect for these. You can buy these at the mall or through online. You can choose the colorful and stylish ones. They will blend beautifully with a simple plain colored leggings.

You can even notice some, especially teens, wearing these with their denims on. They overlay these with skirts and shorts which creates a sophisticated look and a little but rebellious as well. This can be worn with a top that is short or with blazers. It depends on the kind of look you like to achieve, actually.

Do not get yourself too influenced with what you see on tv, in fashion magazines, or internet blogs. Try to make your own style. If you do not feel comfortable with it, then do not even try to go out with it because you will look awkward and you are only making it hard for yourself.

But one thing is for sure, you will look for something to wear that ultimately gives you the right comfort that you need wherever you may go. For working girls who do not have uniforms at work, it is such a headache to decide every single day on what to wear, trying to match all the tops and bottoms that will not be the same as the attire from last week or from a few days ago.

Again, it is not necessary to be too stylish with casual attire. Being simple is already your fashion. As long as you look clean and decent, you are fine.

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