mardi 9 juillet 2013

A Talk On Afghan Turban

By Leonor Rivera

Afghans are main inhabitant of Afghanistan which is an Islamic nation. Being Muslims, they have customs and habits to worry about. The religion demands a lot and these people have to follow the laws required of them to follow as from dressing such as putting on Afghan turban. Normally they cover almost every part of the body with their special clothing but the male counterparts usually have to wear special head dressers on top. This is common for all the Arab countries in the Middle East, Asian subcontinent and the Horn of Africa.

As usual for Muslims, they have special clothing especially those used in worship. The Afghans however wear the same like the Arab nations because they share the same customs. They cover themselves like the common Muslims all over the body plus the men covering their heads with headdresses. These headdresses are referred to as turbans. Although they were meant for men, some women also find them usable.

Afghan turban is very common not only to the locals of that area but also to the large Arabic region and all over the world. It has different designs and different shapes. The design are two; those which are made permanently and work in a way that one just puts them on like a hat without doing the wrapping any time they want to wear them while others are just a dress which would require wrapping every time they are to be put on. They are also of different sizes as they may be big or small depending on the taste and preference of the individual.

Herein, the different reasons for existence of these types of dresses and the benefits of the dresses are discussed. First, in case one had scars and injuries all over the head they head dressing would hide them from being left for the prying eyes of people and the public view. The head scarf would cover the scar or bandage safely even from interference from the external environment.

The dress code has actually become a fashion in the larger extended world. This is because Afghans have settled everywhere with the locals aping what they wear, it now gets to be assumed as a fashion. These people are spread all over may be for investments in the other parts of the world or migrating to settle in different areas out of will. Those who wear them and not as a requirement by the customs believe they look at their best while in them.

Head dressing is important for it covers the hair of women form harsh environment. This would affect the hair hence it may cut off. Weather like rain is the worst since it affects the hair by making it wet. Scorching sun may lead to tanning of the skin hence it is avoided with these head scarves.

The headdresses protect the head from bad weather for example a hot sun which may lead to tanning of the skin. Heavy rains affect human beings. Cold weather may lead to one being sick hence leading to sicknesses. They consequentially drain money towards treatments from different homes. Hence the head dressing is important.

Head dressing would protect body hair especially with women. Women hair would be adversely affected with rains and dust particles. Rain would make the hair wet hence may cut off. The dust also dirties the hair. Hence Afghan turban turn out to be very effective.

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