dimanche 7 juillet 2019

What You Need To Know About Native American Pow Wows

By Rebecca Barnes

No matter where you are in this world, for a time in your life you are aware of tribe ceremonial gatherings. Every place and tribe has its way of celebrating their identity and culture. However, modern life has allowed these practices to be at its extinction. Today, not all celebrate their heritage, and only a few tribes still follow their tradition. There are ways on how these tribes and ancestry would further develop their ceremonies which allowed the new generation of their tribe to experience it as well. The Native american pow wows are proof that these types of ceremonial activities still exist.

Celebrations like these are a way of maintaining and preserving the tribe. Like the powwow, it has served the purpose for the newer generation to still acquire and possess the rich heritage of American Indians. It is an effective way to get involve and be part of the culture through social gatherings, singing and dancing, and tribal activities. It has allowed the renewal of friendship and engaging in a new one. This also served as a method to renew their culture.

Healing ceremony was powwow known for before it evolved into something that even people who are not identified to be one of them would still enjoy. The healing is done with the religious leaders. There is no exact distinction of how it came into existence, and all people know is that it allowed believers to be consistent with that they truly stand in with the help of spiritual existence. The event would usually start in the summer and spring seasons.

It has started as a religious celebration for believers to acquire wisdom and to celebrate the creator, Wakan Tanka. However, it has mainly been changing over the years. Today, it is celebrated as a social gathering that includes competitions through dances, and religious acts are still performed. Perhaps, it did not deeply change its overall practice, but it only evolved and with additional activities that would be more engaging for more natives.

Healing will always be the highlight of every ceremony which is also associated with chants, dancing and singing, drum playing and a lot more. The younger generation is fortunate enough to still experience the beauty of this ceremonial situation. However, as not all can join every event, some powwows would offer their time to go around the country and look for potential people that would be willing to learn more about the heritage.

The natives perform their given pieces with a hint of religion, cultural and storytelling concepts. These performances have evolved and are now part of the competition. Some festivals would last just a day, but powwows would reach up to three days consecutive. It has been consistent that over one hundred thousand watchers would wait for this ceremony every year. This is the best indication of how rich their culture is.

It is also the time where they can show how they can beautifully tailor dresses which mostly consist of colorful and luxurious look with a twist of its unique detailing. These dresses are not just for the sake of it, but it is mostly made from where it originated and how each serves with its meaning. Their dances would include gourd dancing, cloth dancing and so much more exciting types. Truly, they nurtured their practices since then.

Today, only a few tribes have developed the practice of celebrating their culture. Festivals today are mostly done through parties with loud music, drinks, and food, which is the total opposite of how natives would celebrate their culture. Although not all understand why these people continue what they have started, it is where natives gain pride and abundance and that is through celebrating their own culture.

Perhaps, there could be several factors that have affected other cultures to die down. It is the preservation and determination that is lacking. When you commit to keeping and protecting your culture, you are also conserving the practices you have possessed from the teachings of your ancestors. In such a way, it helped a person determine and redevelop the identity.

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