dimanche 21 juillet 2019

Benefits Of Pipe Organ Maintenance

By Amy Gray

Well-established churches, especially cathedral, need massive music instruments for their congregation or choir. One of those instruments is a pipe organ. It produces sound when pressurized air is driven through organ pipes via a keyboard selection. Pipe organ maintenance is a very crucial aspect that needs to be maintained regularly. Below the importance are discussed in details.

For the device to produce top quality sound, regular checkups are conducted. They should be tuned twice a year mostly at the end of cold and warm seasons. This will reduce potential damage to the organs sound quality. Since temperature change affect instrument function, the original pitch should not be tampered with while tuning.

Playing every note at different but frequent time intervals helps maintain increasing durability. This applies to the instruments that are not regularly used. Doing this prevents dust particles and any other dirt entering the pipes and parts that rely on wind conduction. Ensuring the needed degree of humidity is in existence is a crucial way machine maintenance.

Materials used to build pipe organs require renewal since they are perishable. They wear out as time pass. Proven impregnation solutions are used for treatment. Once the soundboard is dismantled, the note channels are opened first and done thoroughly. Sometimes the damage might be severe if the apparatus is left for more prolonged periods without being maintained. The damaged parts can be changed for new parts. An electric blower must never occur if the device is a piece of furniture or a museum artifact.

Temperature change is the leading reason that reduces the service of any musical device. If a room is heated, proper caution should be taken. Wooden parts need attention for them not to dry. The wood needs to sprayed with insecticides in case they possess insects that can destroy them. Leaving the organ alone is crucial, but one should ensure the favorable conditions are in place for the proper function of the instrument.

A trusted organist is required for a machine to work at its best. They need to have the proper knowledge and appreciate the delegated responsibility. Their work is to observe, assess, and report any damage in time for the maintenance to get done.

The pipes are made of alloys of tin and lead, making them very delicate. Minor bumps can cause dents. They should not be held too tightly for that can make them twisted. They are therefore supposed to be stuck with utmost care whenever the equipment is being cleaned or repaired. It will reduce any possible damage to the significant components of the instrument.

Organs dated back in the 17th century form an oxide layer on the metal pipes surface, making their color change to a black tone, and they also become stiffer like the shell of a crab. One should leave them as they are for polishing them will make them making lose their historic sound quality completely. Touching them with fingerprints tarnishes their surface. It could also activate rust, making them look ugly. Some shops use a clear varnish to finish the pipes. Rust is therefore put at bay reducing the cost of maintenance. Entrusting the passage of time is one of the best moves.

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