vendredi 6 juillet 2018

Music Video Submission Does Not Have To Be Hard

By Timothy Davis

Videos are very powerful. With the music playing under the visuals, it can really resonate with people watching. It can be touching as people watch the visuals. Music video submission can be simple as people filming videos and are ready to have it viewed by a producer to publish it, will know how to do that. Make the instructions very simple for people to read and understand.

You may want to put an email address under the contact us tab so they can email someone in your organization to ask questions if they are stuck. If you leave a phone number, you may have constant calls which may not be a bad thing, but make sure you have the staff to cover the calls. Do not just let them leave voicemail after voicemail.

Jpeg files are usually for still photos that are used in a video. Mov files are the music or visuals. Be clear what formats you receive and do not receive. Some may not compatible with the system that you are using, but try to have programs that are mainstream enough so that anyone who submits in any format can be used by your organization.

You may need to ask for outside help with technological issues that you are not aware of how to resolve. If you have a lot of submissions, you may need to hire a technological expert to help cover these needs. It is good to do this so you do not look unprofessional like you do not know what you are doing when people contact you for help.

If someone submits something that you like, you should notify them and tell them that you can publish their work. Have a plan for how you are going to promote the video. You could show it on various talk shows and other places where it will be seen by a large part of the public. People just starting out will know it will take time to promote their work.

Brainstorm with other professionals can be a good way to think of some ways to break people in that you have not already thought of. You cannot do everything so reaching out for help is wise. They may know of other areas to send people's work that you have not already thought of. Ask them for their thoughts as you figure out what your plan is.

It is good to have adequate contact information for all of your people submitting work. They may leave a reel of their work along with a resume with a phone number or email address. You may need a a receptionist to organize all of the submissions for you so you can focus on selecting the videos and the method of promoting them.

You may really enjoy your work or find it to be very stressful. It can be rewarding to help someone get established who is just starting out. It may be a journey for you as well as for them. Hopefully, you see each submission as unique and find it to be a growing time for you as well as for them.

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