vendredi 13 juillet 2018

Painting With Alcohol Ink On Canvas

By David Anderson

Painting is one way to showcase the inner expression and feeling towards a particular subject, such as politics and how it is done wrong has dire consequences or even express emotions about said consequences. There are many ways to paint but few are as special as using Alcohol Ink on Canvas to do so.

The inks themselves come in of two states. The first being an already made solution that is ready to use, and can be purchased in most online and arts and craft stores. There are many brands available and some can get rather pricey, so for those who are new to this kind of product, a little research is needed and of course, buying one that meets your budget.

The second option is a little bit messier, as it requires people to make their own type of ink. On the fun side, it does allow for large amounts of freedom when it comes to creativity. A spirits blending solution drop here and another drop there and the potential to make a combination of colors is virtually limitless. The solution also limits the mess that could potentially happen so that s a plus.

If the second option sounds better than the first that there s some good news. It s possible and doable to make your very own alcoholic ink solution to paint with. All that s needed is a couple of sharpies, rubbing alcohol, a glass jar some scissors, tweezers and something to work on.

It all begins with the jar and the spirits. Pour around a quarter or third of the ethanol into the jar, depending on its size. A quick rule of thumb when it comes to the alcohol is that the higher its percentage the better it will be suited for the job.

Once that has happened, the next step is to take the sharpie in the color that s been chosen and but the bottom where it begins to make a funnel and form into a tip. The gap left behind by the hollow tube should be big enough for the ink tube inside to come out. From there, another cut needs to be made along the length of the ink tube, exposing the ink and then discarded into the jar.

With those concerns in check, time to pull out the penmanship and start drawing away. In pen/pencil first, as this makes it easier to outline what your drawing. When satisfied, the painting can begin, or for a more abstract look, toss out the pen and let the hand guide the paint on where it wants to go. This will give the painting an overall more abstract look compared to the first method.

This process can be fun and the outcome even better, but there s a large risk and that risk comes in the form of a person suffering from OCD nightmare. So it s important that the necessary measures are taken place to ensure that the working area is well covered from any potential spills that may happen, in the name of art.

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