dimanche 22 avril 2018

Several Useful Insights For A Touring Artist

By William Wood

The life of an artist is never easy. This is why you need to be prepared for everything that is coming along the way. Being on a tour is a huge responsibility. You will eventually have your own crew which will make you realize that this is not about you anymore. It is about holding on to your passion and making others happy.

You need to have solid cases for your main instruments. You may have an exclusive van as a touring artist Santa Barbara CA but it is still your job to keep things organized. Besides, since you are the one who would be bringing these things, then make sure that they are lightweight and would not cause so much stress on your playing hand.

When you are still starting, then one would most probably commute on your own. However, this makes everything more exciting. Just have no complaints and hone your skills one step at a time. Soon enough, you shall sign with an exclusive label and they would be kind enough to provide you with your own service.

Always have some snacks. Before you leave for another destination, make sure that your van is geared up with healthy foods for those hours of driving. Do not deprive yourself of these things and stop being conscious of what people have to say when you become a little bit fatter. Your fans would still find you adorable anyway.

Manage to dress for the season. It is not about being stylish but being at your most comfortable state on stage. Never wear clothes which can make you feel suffocated or you shall end up vomiting in front of a lot of people. Still go for your preference but adhere to the dress code somehow.

You should manage to find ways to survive the long drive. In that situation, you will not feel groggy on the next show and you shall simply be excited to move all around the country. It may be tiring but these are the moments which you do not want to miss. Every experience is new and it can be a good trip in memory lane someday.

Decide to form some merchandise when you are starting to gain popularity. This is not only for your ego but it is a way of giving back to the people who decided to come all this way to see you. One may not understand their fascination but they like your music and that is the one thing that truly warms the heart.

Have your own camera. Yes, you have official photographers now but nothing beats the perspective which you can take personally. When you see old images, then you shall be reminded that you have been here and that was among the most unforgettable nights of your life.

Lastly, sleep whenever you can. It can be fun to drink all night long but you have responsibilities now. Do not ignore them or you can lose everything which one has worked so hard for. So, try to balance yourself between what you want and what you need to do at this point. Be grateful towards success.

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