samedi 17 mars 2018

Opportunities In The Creative Industry Can Include Movie Script Clearance

By Eric Gibson

So as a budding artist, the following article has sparked interested for one or a number of reasons. The support team by your side keeps telling you to hire a promotion agent for your music but the one question that keeps going through your mind is why? All, are not all money hungry people who make a living off the earnings of others or movie script clearance sales. It is said that information is power and by the time the last word is read, there should be enough information available to make an informed decision.

Even though they are known by many names, commonly talent agents or booking agents. Their primary role is to ensure that an artist obtain exposure. After all there is an idiom that states that bad publicity is good publicity and that is because the job of a music agent is to ensure that an artist looks good, even when they look bad.

Music production agents also work with promoters in order to ensure that everything an artist requires for a performance will be readily available for them, be it a musical instrument, a choir to sing backup vocals or even a specific type of drink they prefer in order to get hydrated before or after the show.

The reason promotional agents charge less is that agents get paid on a commission basis which is a normalised but can range all the way up to over 10 percent depending on the specifics of a contract. Not to mention that there is the need to focus on the fine print so as to not have any nasty surprise.

The responsibilities of a music promotional agent do not end there however. Agents are also responsible for negotiating tour dates that will appease both artists and the record label managing them, sorting out the logistical details behind travelling and arranging contracts with promoters

Contracts are often in place to ensure that these amounts do not fluctuate and that there is a realistic expectation on both sides of what is to be expected from both the music production agent as well as the singer that is being managed.

So their job may seem small, unclear or to bother the artist but there is a method to the madness as they work before during and after the show to make the creative one they represent look like an artist. Press work is limited as that is often handled by a music manager.

So there is a lot a music production manager can do for your career. Especially when it comes to growing your brand and your audience. Be it is through a chance to play in bigger venues or a bigger chunk of the ticket sales. All that is needed is a little sacrifice and some time on the road.

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