samedi 17 mars 2018

Advantages Of Getting Bathtub Refinishing

By Carolyn Harris

There are different names people used to refer to this practice of replacing the enamel of a worn out bathtub to achieve a new-like outer appearance. Some people call it re-enameling, others call it re-glazing. Like all things it has its merits, demerits as well as its alternative solutions. To start with, we can look at the merits of bathtub refinishing. It has numerous benefits that will make you drawn to refinishing it than buying or replacing your bathtub.

To start with it has great aesthetic appeal. In this case, it makes the bathroom not only look new but also gives it that shiny luster that we all want for the bathroom to make it as pleasant as possible for all those that use it. It also makes it easy to clean as the surfaces are shiny so dirty does not stick hence easy to scrub off any dirt.

In addition to that, it is way cheaper than purchasing another tub as whole. This is due to the cost of purchasing transport and also specialized fixing as one needs to hire a professional contractor as a plumber to avoid leakages that come with the purchase of a new tub. Bath tub refurbishment saves you money as they just use the old and add a layer of new after scrapping off the old and unpleasant layer. Pocket friendly solutions are always the best solutions as long as one is getting value for their money.

To top up on that, bath tub refurbishment saves time due to the installation period of the tub. This is because it is using the old systems just giving the old a new look. Also, it does not require the hiring of a professional general contractor or plumber.

One can do it themselves after buying the products from the local store and refurbishment it. This eases the making and it also increase the number of times of refinishing and nothing beats the convenience of being able to do it yourself. You will achieve optimum standard of labor.

Despite these many advantages bath tub refurbishment has its own disadvantages. To start with, it chips easily as the material used is not particularly hard enough to withstand weight and also bumping. This makes it risky for those who have children as they will be tempted to eat the pieces that chip off the tub and they are health hazardous. This therefore means that one needs to keep an eyes on the kids when using a refinished bathroom mostly after the first year.

In conclusion to the demerits, the tubs are also susceptible to mold because of porous material. This also means that they satin easier due to their porous nature. The bathroom conditions also provide an optimum climate for the flourishing growth of the mold that is a big health hazard in the house as children may be tempted to ingest it due to their curious nature.

Lastly, there are also alternative solutions. One is obviously bathtub replacement. Buying a new bath tub is always the best option. If this is not possible due to financial constrains one may opt to go the bathroom liner way. It follows the old contour hence effective, it used high technology as well as good acrylic. It also has a longer life due to the use of technology as well as the assurance of good quality because of the use of good quality material.

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