lundi 30 octobre 2017

Unique Ideas On Contemporary Art Displays

By Gregory Nelson

Are you among those folks who are under the illusion that artwork has to be hung on a wall? There are a variety of other ways you can display artwork pieces in your home without drilling a hole into the wall and causing possible damage. Well, if you're not confident of drilling holes and don't want to spend money on hiring others to do it, there are other ways to achieve creative Contemporary Art Displays. And the best thing is that you also save money on acquiring expensive mounting gear!

There is no real secret. If you can't hang artwork on the wall, then rest it on something. The question then is where to put it such that it brings attention to it as a work of artwork rather than an eyesore.

Protect your artwork with proper framing. Notice how your kitchen areas, like the floor, cupboards and walls, feel oily after cooking? Since your artwork is going to be displayed in the kitchen, where there's going to be a lot of grease from cooking, you should ensure that you give your art pieces proper protection so that it will be long-lasting.

The artwork piece should be typically about three quarters the length of the table. Ensure also, that the artwork display is noticeable, that people can see it and appreciate it. Don't let the artwork face some corner of the room, where no one can see it.

Another way to display artwork differently is to place your work on top of a console table which is usually found against walls in locations such as dining rooms, hall areas and bedrooms. It is important to remember when putting any artwork on a type of table, is not to overlap it with anything else as this will detract from any impact that the work is intended to make.

Stick to pictures that are small in size. Most kitchens are relatively small in size. Assuming your kitchen is a modest sized one, select artwork that is smaller in size. Small pictures are better appreciated from a near distance, especially in an enclosed space of a kitchen.

Put it on top of a console table. You can lean artwork on top of a console table. A Console table is typically a long and narrow table that can be placed against a wall in hallways, bedrooms or living rooms. Some of them come with storage drawers and a table top that you can display interesting artwork decor collections on. Because console tables are much narrower than a typical table, they can easily fit into the hallway without taking too much space and becoming an obstruction. Put your artwork piece on the table and lean it against the wall.

One final piece of advice - wherever you decide to put your artwork pieces, always make sure it is not placed at a location where it is easily knocked over. An example is a hallway or corridor, where narrow space and running kids don't exactly form a nice combination especially when there are many decorative artifacts and artwork pieces around.

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