jeudi 19 octobre 2017

Finding A Real Blue Moon In The Reality

By Joseph Bailey

There is nothing really special about the blue moon. Surely, your teacher from the Science department told you that. Even if it appears, the change of the moon does not really change. It is just that you cannot really see two sets of full moons in the same month. That what makes it very rare. That is the main reason why this subject is highly used in idioms.

You can never blame them, though. Indeed, now and then, you need to have some blue moons. Opportunities rarely knock on your door twice. That is why, if that time comes, you better savor it. When you are searching for inspirations, listen and watch the John Doyle blue moon. This artwork is highly created to inspire citizen and individuals, especially, in overcoming their endeavors and problems in life. Living in this world is not that simple. You cannot just rely on someone forever. There are times in your life when you need to learn how to stand using your own feet.

Nobody knows when those times would come. However, if you play around too much, your tardiness and weak spirit might throw your life upside down. Right now, try to become stronger. Follow your dreams. Since you have tons of free time, you better use it to understand yourself and your dreams.

Enduring all of those things alone can be painful. Despite that, though, be stronger. This is your life. Live it the way you want it too. Things like impossible, difficult, and hard should not be part of your vocabulary. Learn to bury them deep down. There might be times when you want to run away from your problems.

Once you lost it, you could never take it back. You can never return every single thing that you have lost. Remember this, happiness is not something that you can achieve through money and fame. Surely, those things can be pretty essential, particularly, for your survival. Even so, the benefits it would give you only amounts to that.

Slowly, every day, they would start fading. No matter how much you preserve them, they would eventually die. Hence, be considerate. Do not live your life in total pain. Look for an adventure. Make your stay here on Earth meaningful. If you want a direction or a goal, think about your dreams. No matter how difficult they might be, make sure to chase them.

Do not say it is impossible. You could cry all you want after you have tried all your best in achieving that dream. However, while you still have the time, try not to be scared of going through all the pain. Remember it. Learn from it. Your experience would surely give you tons of incredible lesson.

That certainly matters. It might be hard. However, before the night ends, you should correct it. It would be quite a burden if you are going to bring that pain in your future. Surely, it might be pretty scary to face your greatest fear. However, you should conquer that fear.

In reality, you would not be given lots of options. Mostly, you are the only one who could make them possible. Knowing that, stop being too stubborn and correct your ways. Furthermore, learn to trust in God too. He would never abandon you. Hold on to that words.

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