mercredi 5 avril 2017

How To Pick Team Building Baltimore Activities And Manage Your Team

By Dennis Kennedy

The title structure of a company may be Senior VP, Executive VP, President, etc., depending on the size of the company. Whatever the hierarchy, the pointy end of the pyramid is very competitive and therefore has far reaching effects on shaping each manager's attitudes toward their peers. Additionally, senior managers develop a persona within their respective industries that can last a career lifetime. The projection of an industry persona becomes important should a manager feel their career is becoming stagnant and they want to explore career changes. Executive team building Baltimore is really Executive Group Meeting.

Group Building is not about shaping relationships between peers. When there is a small cadre of senior manager's, personality types are evident to all. The politics in these environments can be exacerbated to a level that makes "passive aggression" becomes an art form and Group Meetings are not a cure. But not all is for naught. Even personal animus within a group may be addressed as long as it is not addressed in a manner that is in the category of "manipulation". Executive Group enhancement is not training; rather it is communicating.

Effective teamwork activities and figuring out how to manage a group starts with the manager finding out if they and those they are managing see things the same way. The greatest success will occur when employees feel like they are included in making things better. The other point that then has to be shared and defined is the manager's vision.

Another member may have excellent communications skills and be able to relate to several different types of people. This person is valuable because they can clearly define the goals of the teamwork and communicate them effectively to the members.

Executive teamwork meetings fill a threefold purpose: 1. Communicate high level corporate issues to the executive group, 2. Address relationship issues within the group, and 3. Work on leadership messaging at target the rank and file employee. Executive Group Building should also be customer focused. Customers and vendors always have input in management speaking with a group voice. A positive corporate culture will always impress the customer.

As an employee, what do teamwork activities mean? Are they important? Are they helpful? Are they a waste of time? Or, do they help make going to work every day a better place than it was before? That is the key. The workplace has to be a better place than it was before. That is the goal that every manager should be working towards. Picking activities that make it worth the time away from the office is very important if the manager wants to have a better workgroup than before the activities.

Uncertain times seems to dictate that very small companies should pay attention to the workings of the executive group and use the Executive Group Building exercise as a "sanity check". I prefer to use the term-Executive Group Meet: A time to sync-up, renew the relationships, discuss and re-enforce. Remember, Teamwork for executives should not be over used... So make each one special.

Simply put, Executive Group Building/Meeting is about communication, formatting the message to the employees, unifying the strengths of the group and most importantly, presenting a vital company persona to vendors and customers.

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