mardi 25 avril 2017

Proper Methods Of Taking Care Of Antique Pottery And Glassware

By Patricia Campbell

Individuals who spend their time in buying beautiful and elegant items tend to purchase antiques. These items are usually kept on display in the homes of these individuals. Extra care should be paramount for a person who is handling antique pottery and glassware. This will ensure that these items remain good looking for a long time.

These items are fragile and can be damaged easily. They are also expensive and rare to find in the market. For this reason, it is important for people to know to care for them properly. Here are some of the methods people can use to ensure that their antiques remain in good condition for a long time.

One should know the proper handling of these items. Most antiques get damaged because of excessive handling. The damage is usually small and builds up over a long period. As such, proper care should be taken when handling them. When holding the antiques, it is vital for one to ensure that space is cleared out to ensure that there would be no tripping. A person should hold the item with both hands. However, one should be careful not to grip tightly.

An individual should adopt the right way of storing these antiques. The pots and glass items should not be kept on a surface that is unstable. Surfaces that are not stable may cause the item to slip and fall thus breaking. The glassware and pot should be kept on a flat surface and away from the edges. It is wise to keep them in a closed space like a glass cabinet to protect them from dust and other particles.

Inspecting and regularly cleaning the antiques is a good option for one to consider. After some time, dirt particles settle on the item thus causes discoloration after a long time of dirt accumulation. For this reason, it is important for one to keep on checking the time to see if there is any dust that has been trapped inside or outside of the antique.

When one is cleaning these items, he or she is required to be careful since the property may damage during the cleaning process. This could be brought about by using hard materials for cleaning. For this reason, people are advised to use soft items like soft papers or even cotton wool since they are soft and efficient in cleaning.

When the assets become dirty, it is not wise for them to be immersed in water. A pot that is dipped in water soaks and eventually soaks up the dirty water. This will lead to the appearance of the pot changing thus reducing the value of the item. As such, it is paramount for people to find methods that are suitable for cleaning these properties.

In the case of breakage, every piece should be collected. One is advised to resist the temptation of putting back the pieces together as this may damage the edges further. The owner should find a professional restorer with proper skills to fix the items.

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