jeudi 8 septembre 2016

Gigi Love And The National Parks Project

By Diane Clark

While it can often be difficult for musicians to find performance space, there are others for which this is no problem. Gigi Love, a singer-songwriter, has found a creative way of doing so. Currently, this involves creating and participating in the 100th anniversary of the United States National Parks system by performing and writing material at each location.

The work in this area is all about the singer's passion for the National parks while currently attempting to host a performance at each one. One of the first songs created by this artist is that of Yosemite Gold, a song about visiting Yosemite National Park near Sacramento, California. Whereas, Sequoia and others are also on the list.

After purchasing a mandolin from a rock climber, Gigi wondered into a meadow and wrote a song. It is during this time Gigi started the National Parks Songs project. One which, has now been in existence for the last ten years. Since that time, Ms. Love has been working to expand the initial sampler into a full length album.

In large part, this new album is being released to commemorate the 100th anniversary. The artist's hopes are to create a new song for each park visited. Once Ms. Love returns home, records and releases this new album, it will be available at stores and online. To learn more about Ms. Love and previous recordings, check out audio and video cuts on the artist's Facebook page, website and videos on sites such as YouTube.

With a love for nature and learning, Gigi adores traveling and visiting popular and primitive areas. In fact, a great deal of inspiration comes from a number of natural settings in and outside the parks. For, the singer also acquires fans, makes friends and often becomes a part the local community performing in different areas.

Earlier, Ms. Love recorded and released a three song CD based on previous visits. One of which is that of Yosemite Gold, a song related to Yosemite National Park, a short distance from San Francisco, and Sacramento, California. Whether revisiting existing songs or performing new ones, the singer-songwriter rarely disappoints. To learn more about this great singer-songwriter, and to view information related to album releases, audios, videos, current performance dates, or past history, visit Gigi's Facebook and website.

When Dave Matthews personally asked Gigi to open at a show in Washington State, the singer was ecstatic. The artist considers this, and having opened at the closing ceremony of the United States Olympics in Salt Lake City, Utah, two of the biggest accomplishments to date. In the future, Ms. Love hopes to also add the National Parks Songs Project to this list once complete.

The ultimate hope is that these songs will inspire others to get out and visit these great parks. For, if citizens and tourists do not visit and use these green and rocky spaces on a regular basis, these natural resources could likely be replaced by commercial operations. Some of these endeavors include, fracking, mining and other operations which are not only a detriment to the parks but also the health of those living in, or visiting the area.

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