lundi 5 septembre 2016

Discovering Different Roles Of A Voice Artist

By Jerry Wood

Those working in the vocal arts are some of the most talented people working in film, radio and television. In addition, there are other individuals whom consider oneself to be a voice artist. Some of these individuals are DJs, spoken word artists, poetry slam hosts and MCs. In all cases, those wishing to find work in this field need speak, as if writing, with good grammar and a clear voice.

In most cases, those working in radio are often referred to as voice actors. However, some MCs working in television now also refer to oneself in this way. For example, some might consider show hosts such as Julie Chin, Jeff Probst and Ryan Seacrest to be actors in this realm.

While there are pre-programmed announcements, news and weather reports, most often these are provided by others. As such, while still related, simply playing the material does not necessarily make one a voice actor or artist. Whereas, those who create this material are definitely considered to be working in the field.

Today, the term DJ has even taken on new meaning as in that of someone spinning and scratching music at a club or festival. These individuals often still play old school vinyl on turn-tables. Turn-tables, while now having lost popularity due to the onset of CD players and i-pods, are still used by many professional DJs and found in the homes of many music collectors.

While the field is extremely competitive, there are a number of different areas in which interested parties can often find work. These include, voice acting, creating voice overs or volunteering as a poetry slam host. All of which are part of the larger definition of those working the vocal arts. While there are no degrees generally required, those having worked in the area, or whom hold a degree of Bachelors of Arts a major or minor in Film or Television are most likely going to get the most work.

There are a number of specialized companies which post listings on a daily basis related to this type work. To discover one of these websites and current offerings, type vocal acting into a search engine, then click on any results of interest. After which, an individual can often sign up to receive e-mails related to future opportunities in this regard.

Other individuals working in this area, while most volunteers are poetry slam hosts and MCs. Although, while most start as volunteers, MCs often later create a business by announcing at public events, festivals, weddings and other celebrations for a fee. Whereas, poetry slam hosts often collect donations for featured poets and special guests, yet take nothing for oneself in the process.

When looking for work, individuals can either look to work remotely or at a local studio. Studio work can often be much harder to find than that of online work. For, a number of talent scouts now use mp3 audio files to rehearse and select individuals for these type positions. As such, it is often best that those wishing to work in this area work to develop a clear voice and speak in sentences which are grammatically correct.

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