lundi 11 avril 2016

Thinking Of Using Professional Led Moving Head Stage Lights

By David Stewart

Live music venues and clubs will frequently use disco lights to enhance the atmosphere for concerts and live performances. Using standard equipment such as spotlights or beamed box light units will give a fairly basic show and a limited range of effects. A much more professional display can be achieved by using some professional led moving head stage lights.

A moving head unit can be purchased in many different sizes and designs and it is important to select the correct type. They will usually be ceiling mounted or fixed to a metal rack and in some cases are used as standalone units. These lights work in a few different ways either through sound activation or by having an operator to manually control or program them to perform routines.

This kind of professional lighting is very versatile as the units are built to rotate through 360 degrees and are aimed in different directions. Various colors can be emitted from the units depending on what kind of led bulbs are fitted. Even more variations are possible by using two or more light units or when they have been connected to a DMX controller.

If you are using this kind of lighting using only sound activation the units will usually spin and rotate in time with the beat of the music. Movements will be random and differ with changes in sound and the volume level inside the room. By connecting them to a DMX control box they can be programmed in advance to perform sequences quite easily.

Some manual operation can also be achieved by using a DMX and this is particularly beneficial when focusing on an artiste who moves around whilst performing. Spotlight type effects may be aimed at different areas of the stage. Many different kinds of shapes and colors can also be input and then will be beamed out from the units.

You do not need to be a trained lighting expert to get good results from a DMX. With some tuition on the system the results can be dramatic. Text can be produced so the names of bands or clubs can be projected onto a backdrop. A large amount of numbers, shapes and colors can transform a bland room into a fantastic show. The more channels that are available, the more complex the effects will be.

To install a complex system you will need to purchase cabling to ensure everything that needs to communicate can do so. The best people to do this work are qualified electrical engineers who can also ensure the wiring is safe and not dangerous. Good quality connectors and cables can be fairly expensive but always buy the best you can.

All stage lighting will need routine checkups and inspections by a technician if it is being used a lot. The lights lenses should be kept clean and free from any debris and the led bulbs should be replaced in the event of failure. The motors that control the movements of the units should also be maintained and inspected at regular interval to maintain a good condition.

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