mercredi 20 avril 2016

The Benefits Of Using Moving Head Lights

By Nancy Sanders

Many live music venues, clubs and bars will use disco lights to improve the atmosphere for shows and live performances. Using some standard gear such as a spotlight or beamed box light will give a basic show and very limited effects. A much more professional visual show can be obtained by using a selection of Moving head lights.

A moving head can be purchased in a great many sizes and designs but it is very important to select the correct configuration. They will either be ceiling mounted or can be fixed to a custom metal rack and in some cases are free standing. These lights can work in a couple of ways either through a sound activation sensor or by having an operator to control or program them to their chosen routines.

This model of professional lighting is very versatile and the units are constructed to rotate through 360 degrees and are directed in different paths. Various color options can be selected depending on what kind of bulbs have been fitted. More variations may be obtained by using multiple light units or when connected to a specialist DMX controller.

If the lighting rig is operated using the sound activation option they will rotate and swivel in conjunction with the broadcast music. The way in which they move will be very random and not controlled and can alter depending on the volume levels. When they have been connected to a control box they can be programmed in advance to operate to a sequence selected by the operator.

A degree of manual operation can often be achieved by using one DMX and this is often an advantage when focusing on a performer who will move around while they are performing. A Spotlight effect may be aimed at many different areas of the stage. Many variations in shapes and colors may also be input and will then be beamed out from a unit.

For some better effects a moving head can be synchronized to a DMX box enabling a different combination of movements and patterns. Images can also be projected on to different areas of the room and some interesting effects created. The amount of bulbs in the light and the channels used to program it will determine the level of effects that may be achieved.

To install one of these programmable, complex systems, you will need to find cabling to ensure everything communicates. The best people to do the work are qualified engineers who can ensure the wiring is safe and to code. A good quality connector and cable can be expensive but always buy ones of quality that you can afford.

All lighting will at some point need routine inspections if it is being used regularly. The lights glass lenses should be kept free from any debris and cleaned and the bulbs should be replaced if they happen to fail. The motors that control the movement of these units should be well maintained and inspected at periodic intervals to ensure efficiency.

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