dimanche 2 novembre 2014

The Best Brain Training Mobile App List

By Etta Bowen

If one would want to have a sharp mind even though he gets older, then he would actually have to continue working it everyday. Luckily with technology, people can now train their brains using their mobile phones with some great apps that may help. So if one would want to have a good app for this purpose, then he should choose one brain training mobile app from this list.

Now first up on the list would be one of the most popular apps which is known as Luminosity. Now this application would have a number of games that would allow one to really test his brain to make it sharper. This application would have games that can enhance memory, tackle problem solving, and even analytical skills.

Now a very similar application is of course Cognifit which also has a lot of games that would be able to help sharpen the mind. One of the key features of this one would be the fact that it has an option wherein one can actually play with his friends and compete with them while keeping the score. Now this feature is great for those who are known to be competitive because it allows them to play with other people.

Now an application that is very good for the mental health and sanity of a person would of course be Personal Zen. Unlike the other games mentioned above, Personal Zen concentrates more on making the user have a healthy mind. This application first follows one happy character and one angry one and would slowly try to make players concentrate on the positive aspects of life.

Now if one would want to train his memory to make him be able to memorize things better, then he should download Eidetic. Now Eidetic is an application that would help one be able to memorize things more efficiently and faster. This application will be making use of games and other activities to help.

There is another one very similar to Luminosity known as Fit Brains Trainer. Now this one is a great application because it contains a lot of games that one can actually play. Now during the first few rounds, he will find the games very easy but as he progresses, he will find them harder and harder.

Now one of the groundbreaking apps that was actually used to prevent instances of suicide is known as Relieflink. This is an application made by Dr. Kaslow and is actually a mood detector that will be able to determine the mood of a person. Of course it would offer alternative options to help calm down the user like voice instructions and even relaxing music.

So basically, those are some of the apps that are really good for the brain. Now most of these apps would only concentrate on features that would help one get his brain to be sharper. However, included in the list are also some apps that are designed to help one have good mental health which would actually ultimately lead to sharper cognitive function anyway.

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