lundi 17 novembre 2014

The Wonders Of Figurative And Genre Art

By Christa Jarvis

Art is one of the few things that make our world more round and beautiful. It opens up our eyes to see not only beauty but also truth. What makes it significant in the human life is still debatable for some people. But one remains certain for all of us, it is life. It came to us thousands of years ago. It is as old as time but as beautiful as the future.

There must be countless classifications of it these days. It comes along with different movements and categories. Among its most spectacular creations, painting is one of the oldest and most experimented forms. It gave birth to a number of forms like figurative and genre art, which is also referred to as representational. Primarily, it refers to the artworks that are inspired by the everyday life. That includes ordinary scenes from schools, market and regular household.

It spread during the early Renaissance period until the twentieth century. It remained as one of the most utilized form in the modern world. A lot of people confused it with abstraction and expressionism, but both are entirely different from what it is. Their individual origin of time can provide a clear distinction for each.

Figuration begun to flourished on the nineteen thirties while the abstraction started on the seventies. Abstraction is synonymous to what is known as nonrepresentational art. Although it has its own representation, unlike figuration, it does not dwell on the real world. Abstract artists did not make use of physical and observable objects. They often view their canvas as a flat setting.

Moreover, figuration deals with the surface level of a specific work while abstraction goes deeper to the point that work became unrecognizable. Both contained ideas that are worth thinking but how they are transported to its audience depends on the form. Such forms continue to motivate young artists of today to experiment and explore.

One of the most well known proponents of figuration is Salvador Dali. He is known for the strange and striking images in his works. They always contain surprises and experimental mixtures that allowed him to play with dreams and realities.

The painting entitled as The Persistence of Memory is his most recognizable work. It was inspired by the landscapes of Catalonia which he mixed with his theories of time and space. The work is a successful overlapping of abstraction and figuration. It is abstract in a sense that it draws confusing perception but it is more representational as it mainly shows real objects.

His success did not end by painting cans. What made him as one of the best fine artist in the world is his contribution to the birth of the Pop Art. It is a movement that started from America and quickly spread on Britain in the nineteen fifties. It challenged what the old traditions of art by employing imagery that is usually kitschy and popular.

Art today functions in different from and value. It is safe to conclude that its creation goes beyond what is beauty. Its significance dwells on appreciation and function.

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