lundi 15 septembre 2014

Pagan Fiction Literature And Movies

By Jody Leach

Paganism can be defined in so many ways depending on the point of view. According to Christians, a pagan is anyone that is not a believer. Any individual that does not believe in Jesus Christ as the Messiah, holy trinity and God the almighty is a pagan. However a more open minded view defines paganism as any religion that does not have origins from Abraham. This brings us to pagan fiction literature and movies.

Paganism is a classical religion with no much to go with. Pagans can worship any aspect of nature as they please. They also have no commandments or strict way of life like the Christians and Islamic. This religion originated from the pre-modern Europe and got most of their cultures from there. The pagan community has no elaborate organization as such and every one decides as they wish.

In modern days another group of pagans has emerged, these are called the neo-pagans. They share the same beliefs as the other pagans but their ways are different in all aspects. These mixed the old ways with a few of their own and came up with a community. Members of this society are highly educated and well informed in natural ways. They believe nature is the source of all power and if man can harness that they can be super.

The earliest pagans were referred to as the Hellenes. This term was bestowed onto them by the Christian Jews of the time. The term was used in reference to the Hebrews who were not believers of the Christian faith. With time this name ceased to be used as a cultural one but become the name of the faithless. This marked the beginning of paganism classification of people.

These people embraced the brand and started their own religion called paganism. Having no spiritual foundation, these pagans had to formulate some in writing. Mind and imaginations were tasked to come up with something good and worthwhile. They started the fictional writing. These writing entail the distinct ways and beliefs of these people.

Books written with an attempt to portray the pagans ways are highly fictional and tailored to entertain the open minded. Such writing featured creatures unseen on earth and abilities unknown to man. Pagans believe in the existence of magic and people born with special magical capabilities. This belief is vividly shown in majority of the books written with particular titles.

Nothing can be more entertaining than a pagan titled motion picture. Whenever this literature is converted into a movie, people embrace it highly. This is basically due to the innovativeness and creativity portrayed in these movies. These motion pictures are characterized with a highly natural setup and people with all sorts of inhuman features and supernatural powers.

Therefore as much as people despise paganism as a religion, their cultures and traditions have been widely embraced. The works of this religion are enjoyed by so many people in the community at large. The movies created from their culture and beliefs are the most watched to date.

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