lundi 25 novembre 2013

Remember The Following Before Taking Copyrighted Fantasy Landscape Photos Of Others

By Georgia Diaz

The internet can provide you many places to find fantasy landscape photos. Find millions of pictures on the internet. Many are uploaded by their owners and there are also those people despite that fact that they do not own the pictures still post them or share them in certain websites.

But there is something you should know when it comes to using pictures that come from the internet. Remember that these pictures did not just post themselves on their own. They were posted by people and these people might not find it amusing that you use their pictures without their permission or without so much of giving them credit.

Some people because they give pictures to you for free require that you put a link to their website. It seems logical to do because you did not pay for these pictures and indicating the website of the photographer through its link seems to be the least that you can do. This is to let anyone who happens to see the pictures through your website or blog will know where the pictures came from, who took them.

Some owners are not satisfied with just an acknowledgment of their work. They do not want acknowledgment. They want to get paid if you use their materials.

Of course, the pictures are the owners' intellectual property but the decision as to whether they want to receive money out of it or they simply want to be acknowledged for their work really depends on the individual owner. Consider yourself lucky if the owner of the material only wants to be acknowledged and do not want your money. Here is the zinger.

Expect that you are not the sole user of the material. This means that anyone can have the pictures for their personal use. If you do not want that anyone will be using the same pictures that you utilized then you must buy the copyright of these pictures.

This makes other people not allowed to use the pictures because you are already the new owner once you buy the rights from its original owner, which is the person who first took the picture. Being the new owner of the purchased copyrighted materials, the decision now lies in your hands regarding the use of the material but again this is also depending on the type of right that you bought from the original owner. There are original owners that only allow their pictures taken to be used by the first purchaser alone.

This means that other people will not be able to take advantage of the pictures. So make sure that you are aware of the copyright that you bought. It is also important that you understand these rights to avoid troubles in the future. You do not want get suited once found out in violation of the copyright rules that you agreed to.

Make sure to get everything in writing. Putting what you and the photographer have agreed when it comes to the usage of his works in writing protects both of you from any untoward circumstances in the future. The quality of the fantasy landscape photos must also be good so that they are worth whatever you give in exchange for its use.

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