dimanche 17 novembre 2013

How To Select A Competent Philadelphia Divorce Attorney

By Sonya Riley

At times, things can get so difficult that walking away from a marriage is the best solution. However, this is never easy either, especially when there are children involved. Moreover, there is always the question of wealth distribution, which can create a lot of tension when the two parties cannot reach an agreement. This is why you will need a Philadelphia divorce attorney.

Filing for a divorce may not be the only thing you might require during separation. You may want to have custody of the children if they are below the age of eighteen. You may also want to ensure that your property is divided accordingly. These requirements need an informed and experienced attorney. You can choose one using the guidelines below.

Ask for help from friends. There are many people who have go through divorce and their advice can really help you. Ask them to refer you to the lawyer they hired if they would recommend him/her. If not then ask why you should avoid that particular professional. You can also share your concerns with your social group members who can also help out.

Look for someone who is experienced. This is very important because you would not want to end up in court with someone who is representing a client for the first time. Lawyers can be ruthless when they are against you, so you should fight the case using a very competent legal team.

Check the past record of the attorney. Check the last ten cases and see how many he/she has won. If the rulings favored his/her clients only on two occasions, then you may not have much hope. Therefore, look for someone with a higher success rate of at least 75 percent. This can assure you of higher chances of winning.

Choose a specialist. For you to get the best advice and services, you will need someone who has dedicated his/her career to family law. Such a person has his/her career revolving around divorce, child custody, property division and such cases. Some even specialized further in one of these categories.

Check the license status of the lawyer you wish to hire. It is illegal for anyone who does not have a permit from the state bar association to represent clients in court. Therefore, check with the necessary authorities to confirm these details. You do not have to walk around, as this information is easily available online.

Check education credentials. You may get someone who meets the necessary education requirements, but he/she has never gone back to class since graduation. Such a person would not be informed on many current issues. Therefore, ensure your lawyer attends continued educations, seminars, and even workshops. This would exposes them to various challenges and information.

Once you have considered all the above factors, think about the personality of the individual. You need a Philadelphia divorce attorney that you can share your secrets with without feeling uncomfortable. He/she should be able to respect client-lawyer confidentiality.

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