mardi 1 octobre 2013

Tips For Incorporating Jazz Artwork Into Home Decor

By Angel Dudley

There is something distinctly pleasing about being in a room where the decor has a sense of completion, belonging and synergy. Synergy is what happens when many objects work together harmoniously. It is the effect that comes about when the whole is more than just the sum of the individual parts. In order to incorporate jazz artwork into one's home space, there are many factors that come together to create this kind of synergy.

There are times when the placement of a decorative item seems to come naturally and of its own accord. Everything lines up beautifully and the process is simple. But the rest of the time, a few simple tricks can be just the guideposts needed to create the desired effect.

A single piece of artwork can be a decisive factor in creating the overall effect of a space but cannot be the sole consideration. The result always comes from a combination of influences such as coordination of colors, the natural energetic flow between the objects present, a sense of geometry and a coherence of style. If someone is able to notice how these elements work together, they will find that creating their desired feel in a room will no longer seem like such an elusive task.

A room with a piano in it can be an ideal location for a painting that includes a piano. This is an example of how someone's interest in art may interplay with their other hobbies or decor choices. Key features or objects present in a piece of art, such as instruments, wineglasses or dancers, can be a great source of inspiration and potential.

Colors are a major factor to consider. This type of art has a tendency towards vibrant colors. Perhaps one will be dominant or else many will combine together. To create harmony, either a dominant color or tone should be notable in the room in at least several places or it should align with the primary tones already present. A helpful question to ask is this: "What emotion is desired in this room?" The photograph may depict a specific feeling on the faces of people or it may denote feeling through the colors.

Whether the piece is meant to be a primary focal point or an enhancement, location and placement will be a determining factor in this. As a central feature, the surrounding area should be as free of clutter as possible and contain only simple or complementary elements. The eye is easily distracted and clutter will greatly reduce the effect.

In creating a sense of harmony and flow, placement relative to other more static features of the room becomes crucial and offers an appealing sense of symmetry. Centering a picture in the middle of a wall is a good illustration of this. Other elements to make use of include the lines that make up the top and sides of door frames, windows, furniture and other wall-hangings. Both height and horizontal symmetry greatly affect perception.

When including jazz artwork in home decor, alignment is crucial. The synergy of a room can potentially be affected equally by the size of the piece, its contents and colors, as well as the chosen placement. The feel of the room is the goal and in the end, if it doesn't feel right, one of these factors is most likely the reason.

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