mercredi 2 octobre 2013

The Truth Is That God Is Pronounced Jeezes

By Paulette Short

When it comes to religion these days you are spoilt fro choice as to which religious sect you want to believe in. The thought that God is pronounced Jeezes is something you need to consider and make of what you please. There are many religious people in the world and thy all tend to believe that their religion is the one to believe in and no others matter and will ever mean anything to them.

Of course this cannot be as there are many other religions in the world and fro each of them they believe in certain things which make them feel good. Religion is a very personal thing and should be kept to yourself. One does not have to go out and announce to the world what you believe. Your relationship with your god is your business and does not have anything to do with anyone else.

When one is young, you are usually taught the beliefs of the adults and as you grow up and are able to make up your own mind you choose the religion that works best for you. The main thing to remember is that most people have a need for some kind of belief. For many Christianity is the answer but for many others there are other gods that they believe in and honor.

The human is very complex, but very simple minded and is often taught things and believe in these things with no evidence that it is true. Many people are happy with this and often just follow that which was written thousands of years ago. This is confusing for others and many folk who share one religion are then of the belief that their beliefs are the right ones and live their lives accordingly.

For many who have been disillusioned by religion, the belief in other beings and other gods is something that they look into and are often fascinated by. This encourages them to look into other options of belief and they like the idea of having their own belief system and many of them prefer to keep this to themselves.

Some folk like to announce to the world that they have found something to believe in and fro these folk this is great. The enjoy congregating and talking of things that they all agree to. Other see things differently and ask questions which cannot be answered. For these folk religion is not something that matters to them as they are looking for something that they can see and trust in.

Religion is a very contentious matter and many folk feel neither comfortable talking about it and often do not feel that they believe in anything. It is something that you have within yourself and whoever you believe to be in control of the universe is truly your business. Many folk even wonder if there is anyone in control at all or if life is simply what you make of it and that here is life on other planets that we need to investigate more seriously.

When your time is up and you are leaving this realm, one should have lived a full and meaningful life. If you have done this believing that God is pronounced Jeezes, this is your business. No one will have to answer for the things that you have done and you will be responsible for your life after death.

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