jeudi 3 octobre 2013

The Power Of Art Is Undeniable

By Rhea Solomon

Civilizations through the ages have valued the power of art to transform, inspire, illuminate and educate. It is only with advances in technology that studies have been done to see what kind of effect it has on the human brain. Research involving use of brain scans on humans has revealed that gazing at great art has just as powerful a pleasurable effect as looking at someone we love. This is seen by the increase of blood flow to pleasure centers of the brain.

Artists find that their work gives them a means of expression. They can say things that they cannot say in any other way - things they have no words for. The process of creating is one of self discovery. Emotions are conveyed by artists that affect the viewer, inducing emotion in them too. Many different cultures find expression for their beliefs in artistic expression such as playing drums, singing songs and painting their bodies.

The ability of great art to transform has been seen through the ages too. The impact of such works can change the way one looks at the world as we see our world through the eyes of the artist. Objects, landscapes and even faces are revealed in different ways, elevating our vision.

Leonardo da Vinci was convinced that art communicated knowledge. He saw it as a science, in fact stating that it was the queen of the sciences. In Medieval times, artworks were used as a way of educating the people about religion. These people were illiterate and so artworks were used to convey religious ideas. The significance of art in learning is being explored today. For example, research being done into its therapeutic use for children with learning disabilities.

Many individuals have experienced its powerful role in healing. It has a positive effect on those who are suffering from cancer and other life threatening illnesses. It provides a means for those who have been traumatized by events like rape or war to express their emotions, particularly if they are unable to find words. Studies have been done that indicate a relief from pain, anxiety and depression in patients engaged in artistic expression.

Some artists create disturbing works. They are not pleasant to look at and sometimes they create very negative emotions in those looking at them. This is the purpose of these works. The aim is not to give pleasure but to challenge. People are forced to confront their conventional ideas and traditional views of the world. They are shocked out of their comfort zones.

Artists can often see things that others may miss. Their work captures these different perspectives and observations, revealing them to others. Most artists enjoy experimenting with different techniques and materials, enabling them to go in surprising directions. They can make interesting new discoveries in this way.

The power of art inspires, educates, fosters social progress, heals and motivates. Humans are compelled to create, expressing themselves through their works. Others view these works and are uplifted, inspired and challenged by what they see. People are lifted beyond the limitations of of their daily existence.

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