mercredi 10 avril 2013

Piano Lessons Irvine - Why Learning Scales Is Important

By Jason Johann

Researchers claim playing a musical instrument improves the brain. New research reveals the shape of the brain is changed by practicing scales, chords and mastering complex patterns of notes. The IQ can be boosted by up to seven points. The importance of scales when learning the piano is a critical key for improved skill. Playing scales is more than just a warm up exercise.

By playing an instrument the region controlling motor skills, memory and hearing becomes enlarged and more active. Our ability to plan, read emotions and being alert gets enhanced. Scientists have discovered that age is no bar to improvement. Seniors can also enjoy a beneficial impact on their mental faculties. In fact, at a stage when mental faculties may be deteriorating it is all the more valuable for them to start some musical activity.

Playing the piano improves the self discipline and attention span of children. Their planning capacity gets better. For everyone, by learning a score, the capacity to accumulate aural information is improved. It also makes pianists more attuned to new languages and the unexpressed emotions of others. The distinctive tonal sound of voices makes sensitive ears decipher feelings more accurately. Hence music brings increased sensitivity which facilitates learning. Reading the emotions of people through their voices makes musicians more sensitive people.

Each time you practice a scale you also refine your technical ability. Unwisely, most learners do not see beyond what they perceive to be a tedious chore. The practice with scale sets brings mastery of the instrument and scores that are learned. Playing these series of notes gives any musician a better understanding of how keys sound together. A scale is nothing more than a series of notes that sound good with each other. There is a method to this exercise. It is not a haphazard grouping of keys. Closer to the truth is that this is a sequential fraction of notes.

Understanding of basic music theory is strengthened and fingers become accustomed to move a certain way. It becomes easier to play keys that would otherwise be difficult to play. Fingers become used to playing the scale of the key signature of a score. As musical scores typically have a key signature that follows through the piece, fingers become familiar with the pattern this way.

Students should embrace how they can strengthen their understanding through this medium. Most pieces follow common chord progressions. Melodies follow a scale matching the key in which it is played. Playing scales gets the brain to anticipate what to expect. This makes learning a new piece and sight reading much easier. In learning a new piece the learning curve is reduced with its assistance.

Should you be creatively inclined, playing scales brings another dimension. The inherent pattern of notes makes you figure out which ones better match each other. New melodies can be created while practicing with their patterns.

But apart from the sheer pleasure in music there is a developmental benefit as well. Hours spent practicing develops the left side of the brain, which is where verbal memory controls are situated. Learning music becomes a kind of limbering exercise which boosts capacity and verbal memory skills. Better verbal memory skills can translate to making learning easier in school. The importance of scales when learning the piano lies in the fact it has many benefits. Piano lessons Irvine can help you develop this skill set.

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