mardi 5 mars 2013

Turbans For Sale And Uses

By Erna Gutierrez

Today there is a lot of fuss being made about turbans for sale as a form of head covering. Usually this headgear is traditionally worn by many males and females the world over. In some countries this is normal practice and each turban has its own significance.

It is not uncommon today to see varying cultures where these fantastically designed head gear which have their origins in countries such as Pakistan and other middle eastern cultures. The reason why they are worn by these cultures and have been through the decades is for a variety of reasons. Not only do they protect the head and body in so many different ways but they are also worn as a status symbol.

Elements in the desert dictated so as sand storms would form in an instant leaving many livestock and people stranded for hours whilst transporting their goods through vast stretches of land across uncharted lands. It is for this reason that the turban became a useful implement of protection. Not only would they protect the head from the blazing sun but they would also offer protection from ever decreasing night time temperatures.

On noticing a sandstorm developing and moving towards them, people would get off their camels and bring a whole column of camels to a standstill forcing them to lay down whilst the storm passed through them. Turbans would be unwrapped and they would be used to cover ears, noses, eyes and mouths whilst swishing sands would engulf them. They proved effective as a protection item and since then have been used for the same purposes.

Their practicality when living in desert conditions is one of the many uses they are put to when living in these dry sandy conditions. For one, whilst driving camels through a parched desert it is not uncommon for sandstorms to develop out of the blue. When this weather condition creeps on a caravan of camels moving through the desert to a marketplace buried deep across the endless sands of time, it is when time calls for you to unravel your turban and cover your face, eyes, nose and ears with impenetrable material.

In these parts of the world making a journey over a hundreds of miles is no easy feat. Sandstorms can envelop a moving caravan of camels and family members within minutes. It is no wonder that turbans became the norm to wear in these extreme conditions. Walking through rolling hills of sand and fine sand at that, they would protect the user from getting sand in their hair and bodily orifices.

It is not uncommon to find them made from synthetic materials intertwined with natural products such as plant cotton. With competition ever increasing in producing a range of products from inexpensive to the costly it is no wonder that varying types of materials are experimented with and sold. However, owning a real turban as they were worn centuries ago by the very same cultures and people that wear them today presents an exotic allure that no synthetically produced types can.

Turbans for sale are plentiful. Colors and lengths are plentiful to suit your taste. It is well worthwhile owning one and putting it to the practicalities that suit you.

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