vendredi 4 janvier 2019

Strong Defenses To The Possession Of CDS NJ While Driving

By Stephanie Russell

In most states, CDS is a legal term that stands for the Controlled Dangerous Substances. Every state has a list of non-prescription drugs that are illegal and you are likely to be awarded a criminal charge if the court proves that you were either buying or selling them. The charge for the Possession of CDS NJ in a motor vehicle is a very serious traffic violation. If the court proves without reasonable doubt that you were in possession of the drugs, you are likely to be awarded the most extreme penalties. There are a number of defenses to this crime that you need to be aware of.

There is no need to be anxious when a police officer stops your vehicle and discovers illegal substances hidden in it. The prosecution needs to provide proof of various elements before the court can charge you for this crime. It is very difficult for the prosecution to proof beyond reasonable doubt that you are actually guilty of the crime. Chances are that the case will be dismissed by the court.

The starting point in your defense is to prove to the court on whether you were aware or not aware of the substances being present in your car. The court can only charge you for the crime if you had full knowledge of the substances being in the vehicle at the time of the crime. Otherwise, if you were not aware that the drugs were in your car at the time the search was conducted on the vehicle, then the court will discharge you.

The court can only find you guilty of the offense if the substances were identified while the car was moving. If in any case the drugs are actually discovered in your car but the car was not operational, there is an opportunity for you to prove to the court that you were not driving the vehicle and are innocent of the crime.

Legal possession is another common defense for this charge. You are innocent of this crime if you possess the substances legally. A good example is where the doctor prescribed the substances or you were taking the prescription drugs to a member of your family. It is also important for the prosecution to proof the substance was illegal.

The charge for the possession of these substances only applies where the individual was driving on a public road or highway. Even if the law enforcement officers find the substances in your car but you are driving on a private road, then the court has no option but to drop the case or reduce the penalties.

The final defense that you can use in proving your innocence when you are found in possession of these substances is whether the search and seizure was legal or not. The search is only legal under those circumstances where there was a probable cause or court warrant. The absence of a probable cause to conduct the search will increase the chances of your case being terminated by the court since this is a violation of the defendants rights.

With such powerful tips to guide you when you are charged for possession of illegal drugs while driving, it is easier for you to get a reduced sentence or even have the court dismiss your case. Use a professional to help you.

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