mercredi 14 novembre 2018

Time Out With Mindful Harp Music

By Richard Howard

Whether listened to on compact disc or having a live version playing in the background, nothing beats the sounds that this instrument can create. Mindful harp music just has that effect on a person and sounds like mountain river water cascading whilst meandering down the mountainside. Some have it playing in their stores and others take it a step further to unwind completely which sometimes is not easily accomplished without it.

The mind can have millions of thoughts running through it from images to plenty of other thoughts that come in and out of it. It is time to quieten it down with a meaningful exercise that one can practice every day of the week and month. It allows the practitioner time to unwind and just be whilst practicing an art that has been around for centuries.

There are ways to calm down such as deep breathing and a form of meditation that one can practice at home in a quiet tranquil setting. Having music such as this playing at the same time allows one to unwind and totally relax. The way to go about this is quite simple and does not have to entail taking a course to accomplish a meaningful relaxation period as part of the day.

Whilst breathing slowly and deeply one allows oneself the chance of monitoring what is going on with the rest of the body. It is best to do this throughout the meditation session and work on inhaling deeply into the stomach and then exhaling slowly. Try not to force this but merely do this for about five minutes.

After a while one's mind will wander and this is the time to try to picture an object with white light in the background. This may seem difficult to do at first as the image may wander and be replaced with other thoughts and images. Not to worry though, allow it to drift but slowly try to bring it back into focus whilst being careful not to push it into place.

There are so many things that can distract a person whether it be worrying about work problems or even relationships. Toning things down a bit can give one a clearer perspective and with it, solutions often come better to a person when they are relaxed. Having harp music playing facilitates this and is often used in Doctor's rooms and other medical facilities not to mention the amazing effect it has when used in the workplace.

It is something that one should work into one's regimen for the week as many go through life often not allowing themselves to tone down and just be. Try keeping still throughout the entire exercise and if this is hard to do, just concentrate on the playing. This will divert one's focus to a different focal point whilst allowing the body to relax.

Doing meaningful exercises such as this goes a long way in improving the way one feels about oneself. The harp is a great instrument and its music divine. There is no better place to start relaxing than with it.

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