jeudi 22 mars 2018

The Great Voice Acting Jobs Los Angeles

By Kimberly Ellis

Actors such as Tom Hanks, Mark Hamill, Mel Blanc, Janet Waldo, Melendy Britt, Casey Kasem and John Erwin have made it a point to lend their vocal talents to many film and television events. Voice acting jobs Los Angeles are very important to many actors since this is such a great way to make money.

Sometimes these very talented individuals could become millionaires for simply speaking into a microphone for a few hours. Everyone living withing the United States has heard about a famous actor name Tom Hanks. This man has won many awards for his movie roles and he continues to do fine during his acting career. Everyone loved this man when he portrayed the sensitive gay man who was suffering from AIDS in "Philadelphia."

Young people growing up will remember Tom's great vocal talents within the film "Toy Story." Luke Skywalker fans are quite surprised to know that their favorite hero is also a comical actor. Mark Hamill is a great entertainer and he never fails to please his fans.

Mark is the one and only Luke Skywalker and he will more than likely play this role for a very long time. Fortunately Mr. Hamill has also thrilled the television audience with his part on "Batman." His vocal talents are fully used when he is stating the lines of The Joker. Bugs Bunny fans will never forget a man called Mel Blanc even though he has been gone for some timenow.

He was a legend for many years and children in today's society are still enjoying his work. Mel was also known to lend his vocal skills to character such as Porky Pig and Daffy Duck. He was also good at playing a cartoon human as he stepped to the microphone to vocalize Mr. Spacey on "The Jetsons."

A woman named Janet could make everyone on this planet believe in fame and fortune since she was a cartoon character named Josie McCoy. Josie enjoyed playing with her singing group the pussycats and they were joined by Alan, Alexander and his twin sister Alexandra. Janet Waldo voiced this lovable character for years.

"She-Ra Princess of Power" was always a fan favorite to many young people growing up during the 80's. This character was even more popular than her brother He-Man. She was a new Wonder Woman who was very powerful and could conquer any villain who came onto her world. Melendy Britt gave this character great vocal tunes since she played both She-Ra and the beautiful Adora. Even in the year 2018 this show is still well received.

Anyone who knows the song to "Scooby-Doo" is aware of a talented actor named Casey Kasem. Mr. Kasem was also famous for his weekly countdown shows but he still inspired people with his imitations of Shaggy during the Scooby series. Shaggy was always afraid of everything and he was quite similar to Alexander Cabot from "Josie and the Pussycats" who also shared Casey's vocal chords.

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