mercredi 12 juillet 2017

What To Expect From Dance Competitions Ohio

By Dennis Russell

If you are a parent of a competitive dancer, you know how fun and exciting competing can be. If you are just starting to attend these events, however, they can feel overwhelming. Here is a parent's guide to getting through dance competitions Ohio that should help you cheer your son or daughter on while keeping your sanity and sense of humor intact.

Once your child signs on with a studio that offers a competitive team, you may be amazed at how many different competitions there are to go to. It would be very difficult for a child to attend all of them. This is why many studios have one or two that they tend to focus on. If you want your child to go to more, make sure to talk to the studio director and see what they recommend.

Your child has likely been training hard all year but once competition season gets closer, you can expect that practices will happen more frequently. They may also be longer and more intense than they have been in the past. The teacher will want to make sure that your child has the choreography down pat and will also be focusing on polishing up all of the small details to make sure that things are perfect when your dancer goes on stage.

You may want to find out when your child will be dancing at any given event. Some dancers will be in a bunch of numbers and this may mean you will need to come back on more than one day. If you have to travel a long distance to get there it may be easier to simply book a hotel room and stay near where your son or daughter will compete. Just remember to book a room as early as possible so that you have your choice of where to stay.

You may not think your son or daughter will have a lot to bring with them. Keep in mind that each dance will have a different costume. Some can be large and bulky especially if they involve a tutu. Shoes, small props and other items can also take up a lot of space. You may want to get a large suitcase that can be filled with costumes and other items. Wheels are a definite advantage since gear can quickly become very heavy.

Costumes are not the only thing that you should pack for your dancer. Hair products, elastics and pins are all good things to have in your competition bag. Sewing kits can be very handy when it comes to attaching straps, sewing on trim or pinning costumes that may not fit perfectly. Food is something you should also pack. Dancing can work up an appetite and sometimes it is hard for them to get to a restaurant between numbers.

Prepare for a long day even if your dancer only has one or two numbers. It is normal for dancers to have to be there several hours before their first number so that they can have their hair and makeup done. They will also need to warm up. Often, awards ceremonies do not take place for hours so be prepared to stick around after your dancer is finished performing.

It's no surprise that dancers love to compete. In the end, there is nothing more exciting or rewarding than seeing your son or daughter on stage. You will be able to watch them doing what they love and putting all their hard work to the test.

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