dimanche 14 août 2016

Why Team Building Exercise Baltimore MD Is Important

By Ann Long

Baltimore is one of the Americas cities located on the northern side. Due to high demand of these services, the city has for years increased the number of team building companies which provide these services. This has also made businesses in the area to grow, and this is where the importance of team building exercise Baltimore MD comes in.

The aim of this is to carry out activities which are trifling and formidable. These span tool activities include planning and adaptability activities, communication activities, building trust activities and decision making or planning activities. The first activity is life stress game which normally takes 30 minutes.

When selecting the activities that the participants are going to take part in, its very prudent to choose collaborative activities which will call for everybody to participate. The aim of this is to ensure every party learns through experience since some activities may bring competition and some may focus more on winning thus ending up not learning anything by the end o the day. To avoid this collaboration has to be encouraged.

Some of these activities undertaken in the whole process involve problem solving, where every participant is involved in a task with an aim of attaining a certain goal. This helps the members to well demonstrate how each individual effort and determination when brought together can achieve the business goals. This also helps the participants to forget all the challenges they face in their work place and focus on knowing each other better.

Another exercise is the coin logo which takes about 5 to 10 minutes. In this game the team leader starts by asking the members to empty their wallets, purses and pockets of all coins they may have and put them on a table. In case a participant does not have any, he or she can borrow some from the rest of the members.

This is to ensure that some of the members do not feel left out or discriminated. To ensure each member fully participates, selecting an activity which will involve everybody in a discursive session is very important. This will give you a guarantee that everybody has taken part by giving out their experience.

However, apart from conflict resolution, these activities help in increasing the creativity of employees. The exercise normally involves activities where each individual has to take part and where critical thinking is necessary. This enables the participants think critically and find solutions to certain life challenges. The skills acquired here help them to even face challenges and solve problems in their work place amicably without fear.

Another problem solving g activity which takes 30 minutes is the picture piece game. Here the leader is expected to choose a picture with details. According to the number of participants, the picture is then cut into equal squares. The pieces are then distributed to each member where they are expected to design an exact copy of the puzzle which is 5 times larger than the original puzzle. Once they are through request the members to put together all their original puzzles on a table. The exercise is a problem resolving activity which clearly demonstrates how personal effort contributes to the team success.

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