jeudi 21 juillet 2016

Learning About Eviction In Chicago

By Frank Graham

Fortunately most people living within America have a nice house to escape within whenever the weather gets bad. Sometimes Illinois residents must face eviction in Chicago if they are kicked out of their nice residence after a dispute with the landlord. Some of these individuals will survive this trauma while others may fail.

Sometimes these individuals have no immediate family members to help them with this particular struggle and this is very bad. One woman by the name of Susan was very well liked within her neighborhood and her husband enjoyed having this woman in his life. The two of them would attend block parties together every summer and the other individuals around thought that they were indeed a happy couple.

Sometimes this dynamic duo would get drunk every other weekend and then their behavior towards each other would severely change. Her dear devoted spouse was named Pete and he was indeed a big man who enjoyed having his liquor and share of women who were within the world.

Whenever Pete had his fair share of liquor this male would start cursing and screaming at Susan in high volume. Susan was also intoxicated at this point in time and she did not care about the cruel words which were stated to her. She also knew that there was a nice small gun within the bedroom.

She would aim the gun at Pete's head but would miss each and every time the bullets came out of this particular device. Fortunately Susan had never taken target practice and her aim was not that great. Once the police arrived on the scene the couple would be back to normal and they never tried to have each other arrested. For twenty years this had been the normal behavior for this couple.

One sunny Sunday morning after eating breakfast with his wife Pete had made up his mind to get rid of some of the grass which had been growing around the house. He knew that within a matter of hours each and every bit of the green growth would be cut down to a fair size. Luckily Pete knew how to save cash by doing all of the odd jobs around the house on his own and this was quite wonderful.

While her husband was slaving away in their fine yard Susan found herself at the kitchen stove baking delicious desserts which would be enjoyed over the next few days. Unfortunately things really changed in a quick instant when she went outside to visit her mate. It seemed as though he had been dead for at least thirty minutes when she found him on the ground. Fortunately he looked as though he was finally at peace.

A few weeks after the funeral was over several police officers came to Susan's home and demanded her to leave the premises. It turned out that Pete never owned the house that they were living in and it did in fact belong to his former wife. Susan was saddened by this turn of events but she knew that Pete's first wife was a landlord who wanted her gone.

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