mercredi 14 octobre 2015

Why Read Elvis Presley Books

By Deana Norton

There are lots of books on your favorite music stars and Elvis is surely one that has had many thousands of authors. Elvis Presley books are legion. Fans can't get enough of these gems on the King. Few entertainers have reached the heights of this idol from Memphis, Tennessee. His life and loves are the stuff of legends by now. It seems that we all know the story.

They have his life story, of course: an usher at the Loews in Memphis and a truck driver in the early days. This only surviving twin of Gladys and Vernon Presley had a deep spiritual soul. He was always searching for his true self and is said to have been missing something. He probably died without having found it as he was overweight and on drugs.

Elvis thus was on a constant quest to find himself and the meaning of his life. He was successful, married the love of his life, divorced her, and made a fortune. He did inauspiciously on the john. It is ironic that he was reading a book entitled, Search for the Face of Jesus by Frank Adams.

Many lived to tell his unseemly tale at the end in their own books. They remember his remarks about his money losses, "Don't worry about the money, I'll just go out on the road and make more." His last words allegedly were that "this is gonna be my best tour ever."

He made many films, not many of which were impressive. He had an opportunity it is said to star with Barbra Streisand in A Star is Born. Being forced by Colonel Tom Parker, his perennial manager, to turn down the role probably cost him a serious career in film (because Barbra would get top billing). But that is all water under the bridge.

There are many Elvis quotes floating around. His last words to his girlfriend, Ginger Alden, were something to the effect that he wouldn't fall asleep on the john. He is also quoted as saying to his cousin Billy Smith that "this is gonna be my best tour ever."

If you are looking for hidden meanings, they aren't in these books. It is the same story time and again about a Tennessee lad who made it bigger than big. But he was often lonely, even in a room full of people like his grand room at the Hilton in Los Vegas. You can see a note displayed at Graceland that reveals his soul, "I'm the only person I know who can walk into a room full of people and be alone."

Elvis' grave is found there at his homeland, alongside his mother's. Both had been moved from Forest Hill Cemetery in Memphis in 1977 due to a grave robbery attempt. It's now all there at Graceland for his fans to see and experience. Elvis indeed has come home.

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