lundi 24 août 2015

Improve Confidence And Self Esteem With Lace Wigs

By Shawn Hunter

Girls and women who must undergo a series of chemotherapy treatments know as well as any man what it is like to lose their hair. While it is not uncommon for men to suffer hereditary baldness, for women the loss of locks can have a devastating impact on their self esteem. One manner which many women use to keep feeling confident and feminine is to wear lace wigs.

Whether one splurges on human hair, or takes a less expensive animal or synthetic variety, they want their piece to look real. The sock is the lacey part of the piece, and each strand of hair is hand-tied to this sock which can then be worn over the scalp. In Europe they used to wear powdered hair pieces called periwigs, and these looked fake quite intentionally.

This sock which goes over the hair is what defines this style of adornment, and it came to be the most common type worn. This was due in large part to the invention of a machine which made lace at a much higher rate of speed. The sock is often flesh-colored, but it can also be made to the color specifications of the natural coloring of the wearer, which helps make complete the natural appearance.

In days gone by members of the gentry would be seen with a hairpiece as a way to show their standing in the upper classes of society. As being part of the upper crust became less important, such lifestyle advertisements were not as desired. These pieces are worn for more than covering baldness or maintaining a confident edge in society.

The LGBT community has a reputation for purchasing such items of personal adornment, as the population of drag queens often sports long locks of artificial hair. They wish to appear, and often to be acknowledged as women within society. Actual women do sometimes lose their hair due to illness or age, and this can be a devastating blow to their self confidence and sense of femininity.

Within society is not uncommon to be treated differently by the general public based on stereotypes and some rigid social rules of behavior. Some women like to temporarily go into the world with a different hair color in order to experience the world differently. Sometimes they will get one in their own natural color, but much longer, because they just feel like having longer, thicker, straighter, curlier, etc., hair.

In order to create a more natural appearance, it is recommended that the wearer comb out the wispy, fine hair at the brow, over the ears, and along the back neckline. This creates the illusion that the natural hair grows seamlessly. Of course, this is only recommended if the wig being worn is the same basic color as the natural hair.

Women who wear wigs in a different color than their own are often recommended to do so by their hairdressers before they get their hair color changed permanently. It is always a good idea to wear the color temporarily before making the change permanent. A new color must match their clothes and lifestyle.

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