mardi 28 juillet 2015

What You Need To Know About Arts And Crafts Style Decorating

By Phyllis Schroeder

There are many different ways in which a person can decorate their home. Some are more ornate than others. If you love the idea of clean lines without the stark look of modern styles, arts and crafts style decorating may be a good style for you to explore. Here is what you need to know about this style and what you need to do to bring it into your own home.

Individuals who are just beginning to look at this style of decorating will be surprised to find that something this modern is actually quite old. It was a way for designers to fight back against the ornate appearance of the Victorian style that was popular in the 1800s. Some designers really wanted natural looking pieces rather than heavily decorated items.

They didn't just use this type of design for furnishings. It also was used to describe a particular style of home. The British began to design homes in this manner and then it spread to North America. Many famous homes such as the Gamble Home are found in the United States.

Wood is a favorite material for individuals who are decorating in this style. It is often stained and worked in such a way that joins and seams are visible but still look beautiful. Stone is often used as well especially in flooring and columns.

Color schemes should also use a lot of natural looking colors. These include greens and browns although other colors can work well also. You want to make sure that the colors you choose will accent and highlight the wooden elements such as trim that you have used in the room. Fabrics should look and feel like they are made from natural fibers even if they are not. Flooring is usually made of natural materials such as wood or stone rather than using carpets or rugs.

At first glance, this type of furniture may seem plain compared to other styles that are out there. Legs are often straight and they may not look highly decorated like they do in some other styles. If you look closely, however, it is the workmanship that goes into the furniture that makes it look beautiful rather than a lot of decorations built into the design.

Before you start looking for pieces to fill your home, looking online can be a huge help. There are a number of famous designers who worked in this style and there are many examples of the furniture and the homes that they created.

While originals are beautiful they can be quite expensive. You may want to start with reproductions of classic Craftsman pieces. Then, as your budget allows, you can start adding original pieces to your home. While pieces created by famous designers can be prohibitively expensive, you can still find original pieces in this style that will work well and which will not blow your budget.

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