mercredi 18 février 2015

Why Violin Hand Posture Is Required

By Beryl Dalton

For you to be able to play an instrument perfectly, you must practice continuously or frequently. And there are guidelines for the proper position and posture to make sure that you can execute it right. There are different instruments that you can play but that does not mean that you are limited to one. There are other people who can play various types. If you think that you have mastered one particular set, you can move on to the next if you wish.

If you ask someone, they would likely tell you to go with the violin option. There are various musical instruments that you can choose, but this is what you will see in the list frequently. In every instrument that you want to learn, it takes a lot of hard work. But all of this would be useless if you cannot practice and give your all because you did not follow the violin hand posture properly which can cause muscles strains.

When it comes to the positions that you can use to hold the violin, there are several types. You just have to choose the position you feel you would be able to play well. And if you follow the tips for a better playing postures below, you will have the physical ability to continue your practices.

Athletes are usually made to stretch and warm their muscles up if they are about to do the game. But stretching is not only applicable to them. It is also the practice of musicians. Remember that you will also be using your muscles. You have to specifically stretch those parts that you would frequently use, for example, your hands.

Sitting up straight is one of the basic posture necessities that you should follow. This is not only specific to playing violins, it is always being given to people who always sit for longer hours. It is signficant to follow this because you will also be doing other things. With this, you are taking the first step to proper play posture.

There are others who are making use of shoulder pads. This will help avoid getting muscle pains from the part where you usually place the violin. Sometimes, when you practice for hours, you will only notice the bruise when you are finished. To avoid this, you should also use shoulder pads. If you feel that it is too bulky, go for other variants.

One thing that you should always remember is to not grip the bow too tightly. This will make the movements more forceful. And consequently, you would feel a dull or sharp ache in your shoulders right after every rehearsal. Try to practice loose grips even when the music is already very dramatic.

When you are practicing, it would be a good idea to keep the sheets of music at eye level. And this means that you have to take a seat or elevate the holder of sheet music for you to see it. If you stand and the sheet is lower, you will have to hunch your back to see it. And this is not very ideal.

Always having the time to practice is a good thing. But when all you do is practice, you may not have the energy to do it for the next days. You will have muscle aches all over and this is not a good sign. Try to limit your hours and increase them gradually according to your ability. Do not do this abruptly.

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