samedi 17 janvier 2015

What It Takes To Join Successful TV Producers

By Enid Hinton

The skills required to become the producer of television programs are similar regardless of the content. The main role of TV producers is to ensure that the concept captured in the script is actualized. The resulting work must adhere to the quality standards of your broadcaster or organization. There are specific roles depending on whether you are an executive producer or a line producer.

To become a producer, you must fulfill basic requirements. They are grouped in terms of academic, personality and technical skills. A job as a producer is not ranked among the entry level positions. This means that you must have worked in the industry for sometime before taking up such a role. Experience in the media industry will give you necessary skills to produce any program.

The academic requirements to produce television programs include a basic bachelors degree. While famous producers have been drawn from diverse fields, you stand a better chance if you study communication, directing and TV or Film production course. However, individuals who have been participating in production can still master the required skills.

Academic work does not make a successful producer. Creativity, management and leadership sets the producers apart. Creativity is required to produce unique programs. The team involved in production relies on your guidance and thus you must be a good leader.

Management skills are vital for any producer. With such roles as overseeing the story line, auditioning the crew and managing the budget, poor managers cannot make it in this field. The duties of a line manager include managing the schedule and ensuring that the venue is fit the intended program.

Technical skills required for any producer include screen writing, sound and lighting, editing and cinematography, among others. Journalism schools also offer camera work as part of production training. Working as a production assistant gives you the necessary exposure to be in charge at a future date.

Producers have to manage shooting from different locations and thus they travel a lot. They also have to network in order to get necessary resources for their programs. Production deadlines are the biggest headache and make the work stressful. Poor management of time and space will make you a failure and in the process reduce the quality of your work.

As the producer, you may be tasked with supervising distribution, marketing and ensuring that your content becomes financially rewarding. This calls for market-oriented thinking whereby during production you have a target audience in mind and identify the best approach. The content must therefore make marketing and distribution easier.

The work of a TV producer is very rewarding. It gives you control over content and its presentation such that you are in charge of the overall results. The entire production team is dependent on your direction and instructions. This calls for foresight and strict adherence to professional conduct.

Shooting of programs happens at weird hours and in different locations. This complicates personal schedules and could derail your personal life if you are not careful. You must conceptualize the entire program before commencing production. A producer must be knowledgeable in the area he is producing a program about.

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