dimanche 16 février 2014

An Effective Organizational Change Strategy

By Jerri Perry

A business or an organization will always experience a change in structure because times will be changing constantly which means that the management of an organization has to keep up with the times. Of course change is very hard because it will take time for the people inside the organization to adjust to the new way it is structured. It is for this reason that one has to come up with a good organizational change strategy so that things will be able to go smoothly.

Now one thing to really look out for when trying to implement some changes in organizations is that there will always be someone to oppose the idea. These are the traditionalists and they believe that the method or structure that works cannot be changed. However, if one is a visionary and foresees problems in the future because of the current structure, then it is his job to convince the traditionalists.

Now one of the strategies to apply here would be to have a meeting wherein the management would hear the voices of the resistance. There might be some valid points that the management will have to listen to which will actually help the organization be able to grow. The management should take these points and consider them before making the final decision.

Since the resistance is still going to be very strong, then one should now move on to the next part of the plan. While making changes, one will be undergoing the unfreezing stage wherein he has to introduce the changes to the organization. It is at this very stage that he should start gathering a horde of followers.

Now the very first thing that he should do would be to create a vision involving this new shift. From there, he should ask for the input of everyone in the organization including the ones at a very low position. The key here is to make everyone in the ladder feel like they have contributed something and thus feel like they are part of a family.

After the introduction of the shift, the next step would be the actual execution of the entire plan which is not as hard but still going to be hard. The technique here is to help everyone try to adjust to the shift in structure by providing them with a lot of support. This way, they themselves will actually want to take part in the changes.

The last step, which is also known as the refreezing step, is the final step in integrating the new system. In this stage, all of the policies and rules must already be final and ready for actual execution. Through time, the people will get used to the new structure but the management has to constantly help them go through it.

Now during the refreezing process, an organizational change strategy that one may use would be to show the people how the organization was able to succeed. If the management shows this to the people, then the people will definitely be in favor of the changes. This will eliminate majority of resistance that was present in the organization.

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