jeudi 21 mars 2013

Getting Taught How To Draw Cartoon Characters Step By Step Can Be Loads Of Fun

By Christi Larsen

Knowing how to draw cartoon characters step by step would probably rate as one of the most exciting things to learn. Every person has their favorite quirky animated story characters that they watch; drawing them could be easier than one might imagine. Learning how to do this is by simplifying the anatomy of each character that one wants to sketch.

Firstly, though one will need to have some items on hand to do this with. These required items are drawing sheets, an eraser, ruler, pencils and geometric boxes. If the sketches are going to be used on any type of computer or similar device then one must use yellow or blue to sketch the outlines.

One has to start off by drawing the character's outline that a person would want to sketch; simple geometrical shapes need to be used to form the basic skeletal figure of the required caricature. For instance, use ovals or circles as the basis for a head and rectangles; parallelograms or triangles to form the body outline. Choose any shapes that are closest in representing the shape of the caricature's body that is being sketched.

Once the head and body have been done then use thin triangles or long thinly drawn rectangles; onto the figures skeleton to form the arms and legs. This is the rough sketch that will form the base characteristics of the entire character. Then all the other details are added over this skeletal sketch; but one should first visualize what they want the final drawing to resemble.

There is a chance that the first few drawings may actually resemble existing cartoons. When making up a "new" cartoon it is important that one decides up front what personality the character is going to have; this will certainly help when choosing all the final detailing. If the person has decided to use an animal, then by adding silly looking human or oversized features will give it a comical and cartooned appearance.

If one is not good at visualizing then using pictures of existing cartoons will work perfectly. Researching different cartoon styles and existing drawings will be an ideal starting point. Combining characteristics from several well know cartoons will result in a unique looking drawing that will have tried and tested features.

Another easy method is grid sketching which makes use of graph paper in order to "map" out the base and features of a drawing. Normally people that cannot do freehand drawings will use this method to copy existing cartoons. It is a very time consuming process but equally rewarding.

Learning how to draw cartoon characters step by step is easy to do and once the first drawing has been completed it will become a natural process. As with anything practice makes perfect and this is true with drawing as well. There are several sites that give easy to follow tutorials free via the internet; these sites also offer one the opportunity to learn how to sketch well known Disney and various other animated characters.

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