mardi 11 décembre 2012

Jaybird Freedom Headphones Review

By Sebastian Cork

One of the greatest advantages of technology has been the fact that we are now living in a much more comfortable and convenient world. One simple proof of that is the use of Bluetooth headphones. This type of accessory uses wireless technology, which enables you to connect to a device and listen to any audio such as music, voice calls, podcasts, and audio books. Bluetooth is not just solely used for headphones or even earphones, as it also useful for other functions, such as pairing devices and being able to send and transfer files. Then again, if there's really one amazing thing this technology can do, it has been to provide us with a set of headphones minus all the wires and cables we used to have.

One of the most advanced and reliable products today are Jaybird headphones. This brand is not the most recognizable available on the market, but they surely let you experience the kind of feedback that is reminiscent of the other leading earphones and headphone brands. They are actually not that well-known, but if you come to know and understand the kind of features and material quality they have, you'll certainly agree that they are definitely ones to consider.

The banner feature of the headphone is the quality of the build. It is mainly designed for those who want to get the most out of their investment in an accessory like a headphone or headset. It is seriously dependable when it comes to delivering high-quality performance in sound feedback, particularly when your aim is to listen to music, audio books or podcasts. It is also reliable if you're planning some serious physical challenges, like workouts or running. The quality of the design is, in addition, supported by a sweat-proof feature. The Jaybird headphones are sturdy and can definitely withstand being subjected to water and sweat without malfunctioning or deteriorating.

The thing with generic brands of headphones and earphones is that they can easily depreciate performance wise, especially when they are subjected to continual wear and tear. Even so, this brand is quite different because it is built to be pushed to the limits! Therefore, there is really no need for you to worry about getting anything less than what you would expect from it.

Besides the resistant feature, the product has removable silicon cushions which are ideal for preventing in-ear shifting, which is something that happens quite frequently with the old style of earphones. Aside from the different sizes of silicon cushions, there are also three varying sizes of ear buds available as well as a pair of over-ear loops. Now you might be asking yourself what's the use of having all of those add-ons; and the answer is simply that they are available in order to give more flexibility and customization should you require it.

Having said all that, everything else really comes in second place to that of the sound quality! If you're planning to purchase a new set of Bluetooth headphones, make sure that you check out why kind of playback you get before buying. There is really nothing more important than awesome sound feedback. Fortunately, that goes without saying for the Jaybird headphones! What's even more interesting is that these actually have better bass than some of the most expensive types. This is not really a common attribute with headphones as they are not traditionally that good when it comes to bass. So keeping this in mind, it will surely correspond to a better investment on your part?

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