mardi 20 novembre 2012

Easter Play Scripts Tell Of God And The Cross

By Dianne Crane

Easter is an important festival for all Christians. It is the time of the year when we are reminded about the crucifixion and also the triumph that the Lord Jesus had over death. There are various Easter play scripts which you could choose for this Easter. God is immortal and man is only meant to do the wishes of God. It also tells us that we are indebted to the will of sll people around us.

The main idea behind the drama is to portray the life of Jesus Christ as He prepares to end His worldly presence. To understand the significance one has to know the social, cultural and economic norms that were present in those days. It tells us how much people depend on their neighbors and how the values are often misplaced. Life is being celebrated in the death and the Resurrection of our Lord.

The Savior gets ready for his departure from worldly life and expresses himself clearly at the Last Supper to his disciples. He speaks of the bread being His body and the Wine being his blood. This symbolism is the basis of the sacrament which we commit ourselves to. We are granted absolution from our sins and eternal life through the Holy Communion.

Celebrations on this day are mostly limited to family members participating in a get together. Meals are shared and members of a family strengthen their bonds by Christian faith and commitment to eternal life. This kind of participation makes this day special as the family members get to renew not only their religious faith but also have a chance to mingle with the rest of family.

This is the third day after the crucifixion and is the time when the Lord emerges from the grave resurrected. This resurrection is the triumph that all Christians seek and is the cause of great rejoicing. It renews the faith and hope in Christianity and is the foundation for this religion and one that brings all together. All of us look to the resurrection and the life with Christ the Savior in the life to be.

The actual day is not fixed as it is only defined as the first Sunday that falls after full-moon day that is after the vernal equinox of the northern hemisphere. Since the equinox falls on March 21, the celebrations would fall in the days following this. This season is also linked to Passover a festival that celebrates the exodus of the Egyptians from Egypt.

The choice of these scripts depends mostly on children. Mostly the choice would be the crucifixion scene, the one where he rides into Jerusalem or the one where he spends time with his disciples at the Last Supper. The resurrection scene is equally popular. More than the events the characters are interesting.

Easter play scripts tell of the triumph of Jesus over the cross. Choose a play that has lively script and moving dialogues. This is the fun part when you get to choose the script that you want to stage. If you have the correct script the entire team will get a boost. Easter will be a success.

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