dimanche 11 novembre 2018

How To Find The Best Poetry Contest Sites

By Stephen Burns

While poets do it for fun, honing your skills against those of others and making something out of it is not such a bad idea. There are numerous poetry contest sites you can explore. However, some of these websites will give you a raw deal and kill your writing career. You need a platform that allows you to thrive. How do you identify such a platform amidst the many that line the internet?

The website should be run by professionals who understand the world of poetry. The best professionals are literature departments, renowned poets and institutions interested in art. While individuals may also organize contests, they should have the support of institutions or gurus in the industry. This guarantees fairness and also ensures that you get the best experience from your creativity.

Choose a site with a reputation of holding genuine contests. Reputation is built over time. You might have to look at their previous contests and reviews by other poets who have engaged the organizers. A website with a reputation for treating poets well will also give you a memorable experience. If the reputation is nasty, there is no way you are going to have a good experience with them.

The organizers should provide more exposure to winners and participants. This usually happens during shortlisting and once the winners have been announced. Exposure comes in the form of seminars and opportunities to display your work to the world of poetry. It means that by the end of the contest, whether you win or lose, you will have improved on your skills.

The reward for participating in the competition should meet the standards set at the entry of the contest. It takes a lot of effort to complete poetry pieces. While money is desirable, it is only available to the best poets. The deal is spiced by being entered into exhibitions and your work being showcased. Whether you won or not, you become a better skilled writer and your fame spreads in poetry circles.

Organizers must ensure that winners are publicly known and genuine. This happens by publicizing entry and winning rules. The criterion to be used in choosing a winner should also be known. It helps to have different categories of entries to accommodate the classes of participants who might be interested. The classes can be divided into beginner poets, intermediate and experienced writers. They may also be separated by themes, age, academic level and such factors. This spreads out the prize money and gives more people the chance.

The rules of entry and participation should be fair to all. This also means easy modes of submission, well publicized contests and sufficient time to make your submission. It means that everyone can participate. This increases competition and gives you a perfect feel of the market. It is easier to make submissions online since you can do it anytime and from anywhere.

The website should not use the poems submitted for their own benefit without passing the gains to writers. In case they are published, you should be acknowledged as the author. Where funds are generated from the sale of materials resulting from your work, the money realized should trickle down to all writers.

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