mardi 9 octobre 2018

The Best Online Poetry Contest Sites

By Edward Hamilton

It is the desire of every poet to progress in the field and sharpen his or her skills among the best there is in the industry. This can be achieved by participating in contests from time to time. There are numerous online poetry contest sites that can help you achieve desired goals. However, you need to choose one that is genuine. How do you identify the one that will help you advance? Here are excellent tips.

Identify a website that has enough opportunities to participate in contests. This means that there are several contests in a year or periodically. More contests and on regular basis mean that you can present your work for competitive judging. The themes set for contests are also current and will motivate you to work harder or sharpen your skills. You can also gauge your performance from one year to the next to determine progress.

The website should engage participants in contests that are genuine. While you might be invited for a contest, unclear rules and prices can be used to manipulate the outcome. The organizers must indicate the rules that will be used to determine the winner and the rewards you will take home. By the time you make your entry, you will know exactly what to expect at the end of the competition.

The charges or entry requirements will give you an idea of the kind of organizers you are dealing with. Entry fees are usually not meant to collect money for genuine contests. They are a commitment to help you attract serious poets. This means that if you find an advert with punitive entry, you have a reason to question their genuineness. However, do not wait to find quality contests with no entry fee requirements.

Participation in a contest should add your level of exposure as a poet. This should translate into tours and participation in symposiums, among other incentives. It adds a lot of value to your poetry journey to be connected to publishers, meet stakeholders or have encounters with seasoned poets. This will add insights into your writing career and open more opportunities for you.

While the prize money is welcome, there are incentives that will promote the career of a poet. Websites that offer a chance to be published and mainstream your work are the best. You should also take up any chance to promote your poems through tours. These are opportunities worth more than winning a hefty prize. They give your writing impetus that cannot be obtained otherwise.

The reputation of the organizers of a competition is as important as winning such a competition. Choose to participate in contests that are prestigious for the industry. This means that judges are known to be fair. Such contests also attract top poets and will open doors in the industry whenever you are associated with them. Without a good reputation, you will be wasting your time. In fact, with a poor reputation, no one will take you serious as a writer.

While participating in contests for poets is recommended, it should only happen if it adds value to your career. Look at contests that raise your profile and are organized with the interest of participants at heart. Your participation must leave you at a better position compared to failure to participate.

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